The Dragon Tattoo- Chapter Eleven

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An early upload!Wohoo! That's a first.

Now, I won't bug you anymore. Go read.

BUT, Don't forget this: I'm entering "The Dragon Tattoo" in the Watty Awards. I could really really do with:

Votes, Comments, Shares, and the word of mouth. :D 

Here you go!:)


Our death sentence echoed inside the cave. Brandon shuddered beside me. I didn’t know someone could discuss death so easily. It’s so cruel, really. Just because you’re not happy with your life doesn’t mean you ruin someone else’s.

“And you’re sure that they’re in the house right? We wouldn’t want to send a search party after them. Really, I’d like to spare them the pain that kill would cause. I’m a very generous villain, aren’t I Aiden?”  The boss chuckled. No, it wasn’t like your ordinary, warm chuckle. It was the cold –I want to rule the world-, demented chuckle. It made my spine shiver, and my muscles tingle in alarm. I was scared.

Now now, before we get ahead, it’s not like I haven’t been scared before. I have- mainly, recently; like the time I got kidnapped. It’s still fresh in my memory. I can remember it crystal clear, like it happened yesterday. It’s just that when you know someone wants to misuse you, the trembling feeling is terrifying. I had to get out. I just didn’t know how. If only it were that simple…

Brandon yanked my elbow, pulling me out of my reverie. His hand made a ‘let’s go back’ signal. I nodded a no. I just had to stay and listen to more of his conspiring ideas. Maybe then we could learn something. He just yanked further- his eyes were discerning. They screamed a ‘you listen to me now young lady!’ I shrank back a bit. This new avatar of Brandon was still new for me. It was intimidating. And I thought I was the daunting one…

I complied. I was so not going to get around that shrewd stare of his. We crept backwards, slowly and steadily as we walked away from light. We reached the intersection again.

“I think we should go here now”.  I whispered.

Brandon gave me the look. Again. “Look, let’s go back okay? We can’t risk having some search party behind us. It’ll lead us into more trouble. As if we don’t have much of it already. Humph.” Brandon snorted.

“Shhh!” I chastised. “But then what if there’s life out there, people who can help us?”

“Well, that can wait for tomorrow”. Brandon winked at me. Wait, scratch that- he winked at me. Did the sun rise from the other side today? Was he all-right? He actually looked pretty…cute. Yes, cute. God, I did not say that! I was in another godforsaken planet –or so I think- and I just called a guy cute. My hormones sucked.

“Um,” I said, still disoriented, “yeah, we should totally go back then. We’ll come back later. Plus, Aiden won’t take too long to come back, will he?”

“Yeah, let’s go”.

We hastened our pace, slightly nervous that Aiden would reach home before us. Climbing up was hard. I went first. But here’s the deal- Brandon shut the opening panel thing before he came down. We never really thought of going back up. It was the sudden in-this-moment thing. We didn’t give it much thought. But now that I was on top of the ladder and I couldn’t open that flap…I got nervous.

“Brandon. I can’t open the flap thing!” I told him. I actually whispered, but I think he got what I was saying because of my panic-stricken face. 

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