The Dragon Tattoo-Chapter Ten

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Woah! Finally an upload. I'd like to apologize profously for this delay. I can't promise another upload very soon. School is hectic. All I have to do is study. :@

I finally managed to take some time off for writing. Thank-you everyone for your votes and fans. I'll try to upload soon, I will  :D For now, here's the tenth chapter.

Vote, Fan, Comment. (I'd LOVE some comments.) Don't forget the vote button out there, and remember- this story is up for the Watty Awards 2012. Looking forward to your review!


Chapter Ten

The rest of the days, give or take a day, we did absolutely nothing. We got up, ate, slept, ate, then pointed at how beautiful the tunnel looked from the house, ate, and then slept again. The next day, we did the same thing. My stay in Pyropia was getting a tad boring, to say in the least. There was nothing I could do without Aiden constantly nagging me about how I had said a straight-forward ‘no’ to his entire dragon-dream shit. “Your time wouldn’t go waste if you agreed! Humph!” He chastised me every time. After a few days, speeches get boring too; especially when you know them verbatim.  So this is how everyday passed, with no activity at all. Brandon used all this time to sleep. I’m telling you, that boy can sleep. There’s no such thing as forty winks for him. He’d usually wake up in the morning (late), eat, and go back to sleep. He wouldn’t even look at the picturesque tunnel every time I pointed at it.

So on a daily basis; I was left with a glowering Aiden and an oblivious Brandon. Oh what fun! I had enough of it. So one day, a thought suddenly creeped its way into my head- if we weren’t of use anymore, Aiden could send us back home right? I was about to point this out to Aiden but he abruptly stood up from his chair and made his way to the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I have some business to attend to.”

This was all he said before slamming his door shut and made his way towards the tunnel. What business could it be? Was he going to his boss and telling him about our outright refusal? What did he expect anyway, we wouldn’t just smile and go all ‘okay, we’ll save the world!’

The idea was unsettling, and even though I’d like nothing more than I thousand people, I couldn’t see myself doing it. I wasn’t strong like that; I’m even scared of dogs. Just imagining killing Agro made me shudder.

I couldn’t stay in this house anymore. I had to go outside. My muscles were cramped from all the sitting and my body begged me to work, to do something.

I told a sleeping Brandon that I was going for a walk and he barely looked up, only shrugging and going back to sleep. I yanked at the door, only it wouldn’t open. A push. The door refused to open again. It was then that I realized Aiden had locked us in. We were still his hostages. Then what did all the friendly talk mean?

My head started reeling again, wondering if he was a part of some other kidnapping gang. Maybe this was not Pyropia. Maybe he just gave Brandon and me some sleeping pills and then dragged up into the gang warehouse where they fooled all their victims. What did he want from us? Now I won’t deny our powers. I spoke to Aiden the other day when Aiden was sleeping. His got the dragon tattoo too. For him, it was on the shoulder blade. He admitted that he told one of his friends about it, who got completely freaked out and then complained to the Foster house’s head. She screamed at Aiden and even hit him a bit. He quit talking about it after that.

I nudged Brandon and asked him to get up. I needed to know more about his tattoo. What if we could get out of this together? He got up after a stronger nudge, okay, a pinch.

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