Luckily no one seemed to notice my added presence to the the Great Hall. My eyes roamed over the Slytherin table finding the back of Lavender's head first. Her huge curls fanned out around her head causing me to let out a friendly snicker.

God, her hair's huge.

Finally I noticed that Penelope sat next her, her back straight as she ate in the most classy way possible. The two were sat on the opposite side of Tom Riddle and his cronies.

Lavender and Abraxas seemed to be having another go at each other, while Penelope sat listening to what ever Lestrange was telling her.

Tom Riddle ate nothing and instead was looking around the Great Hall bored, not paying attention to the others conversation. In midst of looking around Tom's eyes found myself.

I realized I must've looked like an idiot just standing there watching them and quickly made my way over. Watching me like a hawk Tom's eyes never left mine. It was then I noticed that Tom had scooted over to make room for myself. It took all of my will power to not go red when I realized that he wanted me to sit next to him.

Get it together!

I swiftly sat to the left of Tom gaining the attention of the rest of the group.

"Hey where'd you go after the tour no one's seen you all day?" Lavender asked leaving her conversation with Abraxas.

"Just the library, I wanted to study a bit more before classes tomorrow." I spoke smoothly.

More like actually try to understand what we're doing tomorrow.

Tom narrowed his eyes at me, as if he didn't believe the excuse that flew from my mouth.

"Thank you for the tour today you guys, it really helped." I smiled at Tom and Lavender. Lavender waved her hand. "It was no problem, I had to leave half way through anyway."

"What's your favorite lesson, Adriel?" Penelope questioned a smile on her pink lips. Everyone awaited an answer as well, curious to my response.

However, the only person I noticed was Tom. Tom sat watching an eyebrow raised, an innocent look adorning his features. I knew better though he was already skeptical of me, he was probably waiting for me to mess up. Though this was question I felt confident about.

"Spells." I answered proudly, not knowing the mistake I had just made.

Everyone's face turned into that of confusion. "Spells?" A voice that I hadn't yet heard spoke.

My head turned into the direction of Nicholas Avery. "There is no class by the name of 'spells'." Avery stated looking at me as if I had a third head.

"Oh there isn't?" I spoke nervously.

I thought for sure they'd have a spell class. I mean it's a wizarding school.

"Obviously all the classes here do spells, but what branch is your favorite? Defense against the Dark Arts, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration?" Lavender finally questioned after a moment of silence among the group.

"Oh! Hogwarts has it separated like that? At Ilvermorny they just did all that into one big class, and they called 'Spells'." I came up with a believable lie on the spot.

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