Part 13

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"Gaara-sama" said Matsuri while entering the office.

I looked up to her noticing her tone. "What is it?"

"It's been weeks Gaara-sama. You should fix this. Temari's not doing well" she said.

"There's nothing to fix" I said while continuing my paperwork. "She's just been training.."

"To the point she drains herself out of chakra! Is not healthy, specially if you're a Sand ninja!" she said frantically. "You gotta stop it, she's been like that since Shikamaru left her!! She needs help"

"She has us, there's nothing to worry about"

"For Kami's sake are you amd Kankuro really her brothers?!?! Go and be there for her!" Matsuri said before leaving the office. I sighed, knowing that what she said in fact was the truth. I was the one who made Shikamaru leave, I don't know why but it felt right for me to do so.. But if it's right, why do I feel so guilty?

After a while I decide to go out and see Temari. She was at the training grounds, training as usual under the desert sun. She was handleling well but after a moment I noticed all the bruises she got, as if she got into a hard battle with herself.

I walked close to her while she throwed some kunai's. "Temari.." I said with my usual voice.


Okay, that's new. I sighed before insisting, "....Temari...?"


I sighed again, but more nervous. "Tem? should get some rest.."

"Don't you have paperwork to do, Kazekage-sama?" she asked while I gulped. I was shocked by her cold tone.

I'll be lying if I said that it didn't hurted me. I hate when they call me by my title, specially if is one of my brothers.

"I do" I said. "But seeing you train like this isn't something usual"

"That's none of your business"

"Temari.." I said in a warning tone. "You will stop training like this. It's not healthy for you"

"Or what?" she teased.

"Temari stop!" I yelled at her, desperate. "This is for your own good! You're not okay, you have us worried"

"Oh do I really worry you?! Who knew right?! I mean, my own brothers trashed my wedding plans" she said. "What a great way to show your sister how much you care about her right?"

I stared at her and then lowered my head. She was right, she only has me and Kankuro. We were supposed to help and be with her during the whole process, but we failed her.

Temari turned around, "Now leave, I need to keep tra-" she said before falling unconscious.

"Temari!" I said while reacing her with me sand. She was out of chakra.

Hours later, we placed Temari in her bed and called for a medic. As expected, she was just out of chakra so she needed to rest.

"So? What happened?" Matsuri said while seeing me go out of her room.


"Is she okay right?" said Kankuro.

"Hn" I said. "She's just out of chakra...but-"

"But?" Matsyki and Kankuro asked while I looked at Kankuro.

"We gotta bring him back" I said.

"What?" Kankuro blinked, "What do you mean?"

"She's not the same, Kankuro. She doesn't even calls us by our name" I said while Kankuro nodded.

"So what's the plan?" Matsuri asked. "We don't know if he really wants to come back with her. Are you gonna make him?"

"It won't be an easy task" Kankuro said. "Seems like and S-rank mission"

"I'll visit him" I said.

"But who's gonna take care of Suna?" Matsuri asked.

"We can use the wedding as an excuse to leave" Kankuro said excited while pointing at Temari. "And you can take care of Temari while we're gone!"

"Okay but how will Shikamaru react?" Matsuri added while I gave her a determined look.

"Leave it to me" I said.

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