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The church was packed, people coming in from all over Rosewood, happy expressions and laughter all over the place, kids running around in their cute little gowns and suits, but the petite brunette wasn't feeling the joyful vibe at all, at first she thought it was just wedding jitters, but as the time passed and she really thought about it for the first time ever since he proposed, she figured that it was anything but wedding jitters, she knew that this should be her happiest day ever she was finally marrying the guy she has always loved since she was 16, but something was off, a part of her heart didn't belong to the guy in front of her,and that alone made her despise herself, knowing that she's about to marry one guy when her mind thought of another, guilt was eating her alive, because ever since those blue eyes came back to Rosewood she just couldn't stop thinking about them, it was just something about those damn blue eyes that drew her in every single time, and she knew deep down in her heart that she loved him back, she just could never admit it nor can she ever say it, because she was convinced that she's in love with Ezra, right?
He was her first true love since thae day she met him at that shadey bar the day she came back to Rosewood, and yes he lied to her a lot, and he used her and her best friends for a petty book, and he was obsessed with her blonde best friend for years, and he cheated on her with Nicole on national tv, but he was sorry and he didn't mean any of it and he loved her and she forgave him, or so she tried to convince herself.
Though everyone around her keeps telling her that he's bad news , her parents, her friends even his own mother wasn't happy about them, but she just couldn't see it she was too blinded by the man in front of her, her 16 year old self still way too attached and compelled to be with her sexy highschool teacher.
And just then as they were about to say their I do's, a drunk long bearded blonde barged in banging loudly on the church's door screaming with the top of his lungs " I object".
Unconsciously Aria ran to him holding him in her arms preventing him from collapsing on the floor, with delicate fingers she tilted his face upwards, her large green eyes filled with concern, as he looked back at her he couldn't help the tears falling down his face.
"please don't leave me" his voice a tad bit above a whisper, and just then Aria snapped out of her little bubble with Jason and remembered what and where she was, her scared large eyes scanning the place before landing on his face again, the man that truly held her heart, a man who she never gave a real chance because Ezra always seemed to crawl his way back into her life some way or another.
Just as she was about to respond she felt a light tap on her shoulder, Alison appearing in view, she smiled gently down at her friend before helping her older brother to his feet and out of the church, Spencer following shortly after them, looking apologetically down at Aria.
When she finally turned back to her surroundings she saw the fury and anger in her future husband's eyes, her heart clenching in fear as she walked back to him, even though her mind was with a certan blond.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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