Awesome - Beach Day - Bonus!

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 Lying down in the spot the found in "Beach Day - Pt. 1", Max and Gwen were relaxing, while Ben and Rose were deciding on a name for Rose's new form. The Water Form, whilst in the form, Rose would be able to control water with her mind (and make giant monsters)!

 "How 'bout 'Oceana'?" Asked Rose.

"Nah, not cool enough to be a hero's name." Said Ben.

 "Well it has to be water themed!"

 "UGH! You two have been arguing over names for the past hour! Just pick one already!" Said Gwen, trying to read a book.

 "You can't 'just pick' a name dweeb! A hero needs an awesome name, it needs to be carefully chosen so people know that there epic and shouldn't be messed with!" Said Ben, crossing his arms and turning away. 

  "Hey Mr. Max, do you know any cool words that mean 'water'?" Asked Rose.

 "Well there's 'aqua'." Replied Max.

 "Oooh! What language is that?"

 "Latin, most of the english words originated from it."

 "Really?! Cool! Ben, how does the word 'Aqua' sound?" Said Rose.

 "Sounds awesome... but it needs something else to make it awesome-er. Grandpa, do you know any words that go awesome with that Latin one?" Said Ben.

 "Mmmm, there's the word 'Marine', its what soldiers call the sea." Said Max.

 "*GASP* Ben, how about : 'Aqua Marine'?!" Said Rose, her eyes were all lit up, Ben swore that her eyes had turned into actual stars.

 "*GASP* Ben, how about : 'Aqua Marine'?!" Said Rose, her eyes were all lit up, Ben swore that her eyes had turned into actual stars

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 "That's actually pretty awesome, alright then." Said Ben

Ben 10 (original) and Rose Elem (OC) | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now