Chapter 1 - Arguments

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Lori lay, her face burrowed into the pillow, trying to ignore the inevitable fact that she had to drag herself from bed. Before the earsplitting ringing erupted from her alarm, signalling that it was time to do just that, she reached over and switched it off. Pulling the covers off her she lay face down until the cold was too much, and she was reluctantly forced crawl out. Stretching her long toned arms above her head Lori yawned deeply. As she dragged her way across the room, she pulled a thin grey hoody over the white tank top and scrawny blue shorts she wore. Grabbing a pair of socks, Lori hopped on one foot tugging them on. 

She made her way down the creaking stairs wearily towards the kitchen. It was freezing downstairs. There was a faint crash from within the kitchen.

'What was Rose doing up so early?' She thought. It must be Rose, there was no way it was mum, she never got up before twelve even on a good day. 

'Rose?' Lori said quizzically, pushing open the kitchen door. 

'Oh Honey... You're up al already? Was gonna make my lurverly daughters breakfast.' She slurred, eyes glazed over somewhat teary. 

She hadn't gone to bed. Lori could smell the putrid alcohol wreaking from her dank breath. She looked a state. Her blonde hair was damp, running mascara had collected under her sunken lifeless eyes and thin clothes were wet against gaunt limbs. 

'When did you get home?' Lori said, taking the frying pan from her mother and helping her into a seat. 

'No no sweetie, I was mmaking... I dunno, a while ago.' She wheezed, breaking down into a spluttered coughing fit. Her spindly hands were shaking against the table as she shivered from the cold air blowing through the open back door.

Lori rushed over to it, closing the door. 'Mum you can't leave the door open like that.'

'I I I didn. I sure I closed it.' Was all she mumbled. Lori pulled her hoody off and wrapped it around her mother. 

Pouring water into the kettle, she set about making coffee and breakfast. The smell of hot coffee filled the room as she poured two cups out. 

'Come on Mum, you need to go to sleep.' Lori said, putting an arm around her waist, guiding her out of the kitchen. Helping her into bed, Lori pulled the covers over her. She nipped back to her room, grabbing up her duvet and pulling it over the one her mum was shrowded in. 

'There you go Mum. Here's your coffee too. Make sure you drink it.'

She was already delirious but she nodded in thanks, taking a few sips from the mug. As her shivering subsided, Lori set her alarm for 12. Nicole needed to be at work at two, that should give her enough time. Nicole, Lori's mum, had a few on off cleaning jobs around London which she just about managed to hold on to. 

Lori sighed as she left the room, closing the door behind her. Most normal eighteen year olds would've found this a struggle, but for Lori this type of morning was fairly normal. 

'Lor. Was that Mum?' A quite high pitched voice said from behind her. Lori turned to face her sister, smiling lovingly. Rose was stood in the doorway. Her bright round blue eyes were anxious, her thick blonde eyebrows furrowed across her perfectly untainted porcelain skin. She looked so innocent wrapped up in the fluffy purple dressing gown Lori had bought her last christmas. 

'Yeah, don't worry. I've put her to bed, she'll be fine.' Lori soothed as she greeted her sister with a loving embrace. 'Come on slow coach, you go and get ready. I'll get you some breakfast, what do you fancy?' She teased, knowing it would always be the same request.

'Like you don't know!' Rose giggled, heading into the bathroom. 


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