I. Caught off guard

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Jed received a text message from an unknown number telling him to attend a go see for a famous local clothing brand, he didn't mind that it was from an unknown number, thinking that they probably got his contact details from the ad postings on various talent agencies so he went on his way to the venue.

Jed arrived on the address, it was summer time then and the weather was so humid, Jed's still not used to this kind of weather so he was sweating profusely. Looking at the instructions listed on the text message, Jed knew he got the place right but a bit skeptical because it was an old and some what dilapidated, low rise residential building.

Jed saw an old lady came out from the main entrance and hurriedly asked her if he got the place right.

Jed: Hi there, excuse me but am I on the right address (showing the text message to the old lady)

Old Lady: Yes you're on the right place.

Jed: Would you happen to know if there is a modeling agency here?

Old Lady: I'm not aware of that but I know the attorney who owns this buildng also has a photo studio on the roof top.

Jed went inside the building hoping to see some familiar faces, other aspiring models who attended other go sees that he had been before, but he saw no one. He decided to check out the photo studio that the old lady told him and upon reaching the last floor prior the roof top, he saw a man walking across the hallway holding a professional camera.

They caught each other's eyes but Jed felt kinda awkward to approach the guy. From the looks of him, the man is older maybe about mid 40s, burly but heavily built, he is sweaty and just wearing a loose tank top and a fitted ripped jeans. It looks like he just came from a shoot judging by his exhausted looks.

Jed looked away thinking that this was never a good idea, hurriedly making his way down but the man on the hallway called him.

Man: Hey hey!

Jed: (Looking at the man calling him)

Man: Are you here for the go-see? Well you look like you are.

Jed: Yeah, I am. Am I late, too early I guess?

Man: I actually cancelled it, maybe your agent didn't inform you?

Jed: I'm freelance at the moment, so yeah, I guess that's my fault.

Man: I'm Raymond by the way I'm the client and also the photographer.

Jed: Jed.

The two shook hands, both gave a tight grip but Jed's still thinks this is bad news and would want to leave the place immediately so he releases his grip, Raymond on the other hand have other things in mind, Raymond held Jed's hand tightly as if he knows what Jed's thinking, he doesn't want to let this opportunity go to waste.

Raymond: You know what Jed...

Jed: Sir, I'm sorry if I still came despite the cancellation I'll find my way out.

Raymond: No no no, let me take a shot at you... uhmm a test shoot! What do you think?

Jed: Ya sure? I mean I can go back again on the rescheduled date.

Raymond: None sense, Let's do this, go up to the studio, prep yourself, you know the product we are about to shoot, it's up there. I'll be there like 30 minutes so make use of the time to prepare yourself.

Jed: Okay

Raymond: (Quickly lifts up Jed's shirt up to his chin exposing his abdomen and chest)

Jed: Ugh!

Raymond: You're ripped, nice! Go make those pop more, I also have a gym up there, use it. (Pulling Jed's shirt down)

Jed: Yeah.

They parted ways, Jed went up to prepare himself for the shoot and Raymond went inside his flat down the hallway to rest a bit because he knows he will need his stamina to accomplish his lewd plans.

To be continued.

To be continued

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