chapter 2

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     She looked terrible. Her clothes were torn and covered in blood and dirt, her skin looked pale and sweaty, and she was shaking badly.

     "What's wrong?" I asked her softly. She started breathing heavily and swaying.

    "I-I'm fine." She muttered before her eyes flickered and she started falling forward. I quickly ran to her and caught her before she could hit the ground. I picked her up and carried her back to my cave. After laying her down on a sleeping bag I reached into my bag, pulled out a silver canister, opened it, and poured half of the liquid from inside down her throat. I covered her up with a brown blanket and leaned against the cave wall. I didnt know what to do next.

     After weighing some options I decided that I would go and gather some plants from the forest. The rocky cave floor turned into grass as I left the cave and headed west and, after a few minutes, I found what I was looking for. A meadow spread out before me. In the center of the meadow there were strange flowers. These flowers looked like roses but were a golden color and the smelled strongly of honey and vanilla. I learned that they have healing properties after I ate one by accident but that's a story for another day. I gathered a few dozen of the flowers and headed back to the cave.

     Before I reached the edge of the forest I heard a strange shuffling. I quickly pulled out my knife and scanned the bushes. I heard a growl and rolled to my left as a creature leapt over my head. I got into a crouched position and stared at the monster. It had fur as black as night and blood red eyes. It was growling softly as it stared me down. I did the stupidest thing I've ever done and quickly through my knife at the creature. Somehow, it hit between the monsters eyes and it dissolved into a golden powder, leaving a scent simular to sulphur. I picked my knife back up and headed back to the cave

     As I entered the cave I felt a sharp, strong pain in my abdomen. I yelped in pain and looked down to find the shaft of an arrow embedded in my stomach. I looked back up to see the girl named Thalia pointing a bow at me. After pulling the arrow out of me, and groaning in pain, I pulled out my canister and drank some of the healing liquid.

     "Glad to see you're awake and standing." I say with a sarcastic tone.

     "Where am I?" She asked with anger in her voice. She tried to hide the fear in her voice but I still heard it and felt bad for her. She was hurt and weak when we met. I wondered what her story was.

     "You're in a cave. You collapsed outside from you're injuries so I brought you in here to help you." I replied softly and calmly. "How do you feel?"

     "I feel better. Thanks." She mumbled as she lowered her bow. I sighed, this was gonna be a long night.

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