Chapter Twenty-Six: Earth Angel

Start from the beginning

After she earned her nursing certificate, she'd been assigned to St. Mary's Home for Unwed Mothers. At first she refused. She'd never wanted to return to a place like that. There were other options, she could have worked in the hospital. But, something had drawn her back. All of those girls, alone. Suffering like her, and her mother, who she never had the chance to know.

Back in the room, she bit the inside of her cheek. What she was about to do was reckless. A bead of sweat trailed down her back, tickling between her shoulder blades. She was risking everything she'd worked so hard to achieve. If she was caught she'd lose it all.

She'd asked herself hundreds of times why she'd agreed to come to that place, of all places. She'd never been able to find an answer. Maybe this was the answer. Maybe this was why she was here.

Dottie stirred and moaned in her sleep. Her round face cringed, dark lashes fluttering. Innocence lost. Who could do such a thing to a mere baby? The monster should have been sent to jail. But life was cruel and unfair. Dottie needed someone to protect her.

She let out a shaky breath. Betsy was waiting for her at her cottage a short distance down the beach. The older woman was a dear friend. She and her husband Judd had given her a warm welcome when she'd first arrived on the island for her assignment. There was something about the two that was so genuine and real. She'd trusted them instantly.

Betsy was the first person she thought of when she'd made up her mind to hide Dottie. She'd no more than mentioned it, before Betsy insisted she would keep the girl. Mara cautioned her that they would all be in trouble if she was discovered, but Betsy stood firm.

She checked her watch. Five minutes remained until the scheduled bomb drill. With the Cold War looming between the United States and Russia, every establishment was required to conduct bomb drills in case of an attack from the "reds". At the sound of the alarm, all of the girls and the nuns were to head to the basement. It was the perfect time to slip away with Dottie.

"Wake up, Dottie," Mara whispered, touching a finger to her cheek.

The little girl's eyes snapped open in fear, her body jolting.

"It's okay," Mara said. "I'm taking you away from here."

"Where?" breathed Dottie, springing up fast. Her stomach had flattened and it was impossible to tell she'd just had a baby two weeks ago.

"To a beautiful family that I trust completely," said Mara, bending down as she looked Dottie in the eyes. "Do you trust me?"

Dottie studied her, her blue eyes spinning with uncertainty. "I want to see Izzy."

"That isn't possible right now," said Mara, stuffing a few things into her carry case. Her mind was racing through the plan and every nerve was on edge.

Dottie raised her chin in defiance. "I won't leave until I see Izzy."

"You'll see Izzy," Mara said. "But not until you're out of here."

That seemed to be enough to convince the little girl to go with her. As soon as she stood, the alarm sounded, startling them both. Her heart pounding in her ears, Mara hoisted the bag over her shoulder. They needed to wait for a few minutes until she was sure everyone had gone to the basement.

When the alarm finally ended Mara waited until the building was totally silent. She grabbed Dottie's hand. "Follow me and don't make a sound."

Stepping across the room to the door, she was keenly aware that her last chance to change her mind would be gone when she entered the hallway with Dottie, the bag in her hand. Gulping in a breath of stale air, her hand tightening over Dottie's as she opened the door. And stared straight into the face of Sister Martha. The nun's eyes turned wide as she eyed the bag over Mara's shoulder, then Dottie at her side.

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