Stop behaving like a whining bitch I told myself.
Man up and have the others back.

I looked at the mirror only to realize my eyes glowed purple with more brilliance than before I closed my eyes and reopen them. The glow seemed stronger and brighter. My reflection changed into a black beast with a red mark across my chest. I jumped back and the image disappeared.

"What was that?" I asked aloud.

I looked back in the mirror but I just saw my natural self. Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and Jean ran in she didn't stop when she saw me. She hurried in one off the stalls and in minutes I heard the toilet flushing.

"What a relief? I actually made it," she said leaning on the stall door.

She was totally ignoring the fact I was present and was in the men bathroom. I stood there waiting for her to realize I was standing there. I cross my hands when I saw her move closer she looked at me for a moment before saying a word.

"What is it?" she asked staring me dead in the eye.

"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "You storm in the men's room without knocking? Then you're asking what is it?" I bursted out.

"Don't get upset hon," she said

Reaching her hand for my face I grabbed her hand.

"I'm not playing games with you , you knit wit. Go buy some pride. You are going to get what you are looking for baby. Just not from me," I said through gritted teeth and shove her back.

She backed up holding her wrist. She looked like she finally got the picture this time. She hurriedly washed her hands and left.

"Calm down Jack. You didn't have to be so aggressive," I said with a sigh.

After a while I left the bathroom as I walked down the hall I heard shuffling noises coming out off my room I rushed inside to see someone in a black pull over going through my wardrobe.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" I asked trying to keep my anger at bay.

The person jumped obviously startled but said nothing. I could tell they did not intend to either I stepped closer to apprehend the person but stopped when I saw black smoke forming round the person's finger tips.

Crap its a witch!

I jumped back and extended my claws and glowed my eyes. With no warning a black ball of smoke came crashing towards me I rolled out of the way with minutes to spare. I looked back to the see the ball eating out the wall. Suddenly I felt a wooden stick land across my temple. I collided in the wall but it didn't do its intended damage. I got to my feet and grabbed the staff and broke it with my knee. A bright light flooded the room then disappeared. The pull over was blown off the person's head it was a young lady she must be the same age as Jean. She had pretty, shiny, long scarlet hair she was kneeling over the staff which was now in half.

"How could you?" she asked suddenly jumping up with tears running down her cheeks.

I stood back ready for the spell she was about to cast. But she just ran at me swinging her fist after me. I gave a tiring sigh and fisted her in belly she bent down gripping her belly in pain then fell to the ground unconscious.

By now everyone heard the commotion and rushed to my room shocked expression shot across their faces when they saw an unconscious girl on the floor.

"What's going on here?" Nick ask stooping over her.

"Well she attacked me after I caught her going through my stuff, Oh! you'll love this she's a witch," I said sarcastically.

Nick jumped up and away from her.

"Don't worry she can't cast any spell," I said.

But my words came back to bite me, as black smoke flooded my room everyone exited the room quickly. I on the other hand was busy fighting my way through unending ninja shadows who were getting on my last nerve. One slashed me across my back and disappeared then another slash me across my chest and disappeared. They kept repeating this action gaining speed after time and time I feel to my knees panting. Suddenly there was a light in the darkness as the light came closer the girl I knocked out came into view. She had her staff which was glowing. She stomped on the ground and all the shadow ninjas disappeared she stood over me while looking down at me.

"Ancient betas should not even exist in this world, so I'll put you out of your misery, " she said with disgust.

I just growled at her looking up as a she brought down her staff my hand suddenly reach forward grabbing the staff.

"What you can still move?" she asked surprised.

I stood up eyes glowing brighter than ever this new power serge through my very being. I felt like I could do anything. She screamed when I grabbed her throat and lift her off her feet.

"You have no idea who your playing with. You can never stop me from protecting the ones I care about," I said tightening my grip.

She choked and kicked her feet trying to get out of my grip she then pass out I let her fall to the floor unconscious. The black smoke evaporated immediately and my room returned but a blue barrier was blocking the door hindering me from escaping I walked over and folded my fist.

"We need to get in there," Mike said leaning on the barrier.

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