Julia Gets a Buzzcut....

Start from the beginning

He heaves a deep sigh before answering. "I'm sorry. It's just that I do feel bad about how I ended things with Julia before. She doesn't care. She just wants to be friends. But to answer your question..." He pauses. "I might."

I smile. I knew it. I mean, of course I knew it. Even if we weren't as close anymore, he had still been my best friend and he hasn't changed much. "I ship it. Jaaron." I say.

He rolls his eyes at me. "Is that seriously all you wanted?"

"You act like this is a surprise. What were you expecting?"

"Honestly, I thought you were going to take me to a dark alley and kill me for hurting your best friend." His grin tells me he's joking, but his eyes tell me that it was a legitimate fear. I almost laugh.

"We could do that too," I offer, shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm surprised." He tells me. I look at him, slightly confused.


"It's been awhile since the thing with Julia. But you haven't even said anything to me, really. You haven't punched me or broken any of my bones and you haven't run over me with a car... I was expecting at least some yelling and swearing." He explains.

"Julia is happy, so it doesn't really matter."

"What about when she wasn't happy?" He inquires.

"She wouldn't have wanted me to hurt you. Physically or with words." I tell him. It's true. I could've taken him to a dark alley and killed him. I could've sworn him out. I could've made it so he could never have children. No one is allowed to hurt Julia or Haley. But as much as I would've loved to hurt Aaron, she would've been more upset with me. I shake my head. "Let's forget about it. Like I said-- she's happy. Tommy isn't going to be breaking her heart any time soon. I see no reason to be angry with you."

"Are you serious?!" His voice begins to rise in excitement.

"Yes, now I'm gonna go before I change my mind." I say, jumping off the swing and walking away. All of the sudden, I feel the need to run. Run as fast and far as I can from everything even if it's only for a little while. I should probably go back to my house to change my shoes. Keds aren't exactly running shoes. But I don't feel like I have time for that. I feel like I need to go now. So I take off sprinting, flying past Julia's house and across the street. I keep running and everything blurs around me.

The acceleration of my heart and the steady sound of my breath is comforting to me. I'm brought to an abrupt stop when my body slams into something-- or someone. My eyes meet a pair of blue, or are they green? eyes. His hair is dark brown, nearly black, and the perfect length. Not too short, not too long. My heart melted at the sight of him. So attractive. Was it illegal for someone to be this attractive?? I think it should be. "Uh... Um. I-- I'm sorry," I stutter. Smooth, Rose.

"It's fine. Why were you running so fast anyway?"

"It's my way of calming down and thinking." I say. I give him another glance. "Why haven't I seen you at school?"

"Just moved here. My dad is really easy going and thinks that I should wait until next year to start at the school. He's going to homeschool me for the remainder of this year." He answers.

I raise my eyebrows. "That sounds cool." Is all I can manage to say.

"So I'll see you around...?" He falters, realizing he doesn't know my name.

"Rose." I supply.

He smiles warmly and repeats me. "Rose. Thanks. My name is Isaac."

He has to leave so he continues walking in the direction he was before I ran into him. I stay in my place, completely frozen. Isaac.

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