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Louis pov

I walk outside and see emily on her front porch.

I let out a soft sigh as I see how badly hurt she looks.

Maybe i should try to get her attentuon...

I sit out on my front lawn chair and continue to look at her letting out soft coughs every once in awhile hoping to get her attention.

as soon as she sees me she stands up.

It looks like she is about to go back inside so I run up to her.

When I'm at her steps she freezes.

" emily we need to talk " I say

she nods and gestures her hands to her bench we sit down

I look at her cuts and bruises, it looks like it really hurts.

" Eleanor is sorry and I am to " I say after a moment of silence .

" it's ok but I have a friend coming up and he will think I got into a fight again" she says again in a whisper.

" again?"I ask.

she nods .

" I used to fight alot " she says sadly I nod understanding.

" so can we be best friends?" I ask and she laughs .

" duh" she says in a high tone.

" ok so what's up?" I ask .

" a direction why?" she asks .

" we are going to be great friends" I say laughing .

Emily's pov

" emily !!!" I hear someone yell . I turn away from Louis and see Sydney limping .... more like drunk stumbling so I run up to her.

she smiles like there is nothing wrong with her.

" I got something to drink" she slurs.

I laugh because she is completely drunk .

I put her arm around my shoulder and help her to the house.

Louis is stood at the door and he tilts his head wondering what is going on .

I shake my head .

he opens the door and puts Sydney's other arm around his shoulder.

we sit her on the couch And she sits there nodding her head almost asleep.

I laugh and she bolts up to look at me .

" emily?" she asks.

I nod my head.

" yes Sydney??" I ask.

" you have a hot boyfriend " she says smiling I laugh .

" who is my boyfriend I don't have one" I say laughing she furrows he eyebrows

she points to Louis " the tall lad with stuble and bright striped shirts that's your boyfriend" she says smiling. I let out a loud laugh.

" he is just a friend Sydney go to sleep" I say she nods and passes out on the couch . I grab a Advil and water setting it on the coffee table

Louis looks at me .

" what know?" I ask.

" wanna watch a film?" he asks.

Louis pov

I grab a movie which happens to be 13 ghosts .

I put it in and emily rushes in with a bowl of popcorn .

" what movie?" she asks.

" 13ghosts" I say shrugging she smiles.

" I love that movie yess " she says fist pumping .

we sit on her bed since Sydney was asleep on her couch and we can't sit there.

we sit kind of close and I'm glad she isn't looking cause I'm blushing ...don't ask why .

the movie is at the part of the car crushing seen and I jump at the amount of blood, emily laughs and I look at her .

" don't be scared lou I'll protect you" she says .

" I'm not scared" I say scoffing .

" whatever helps you sleep at night" she mumbles .

the movie continues and I feel Emily's head on my shoulder, I look down and see she is asleep .

I stare at how pretty her face is .

she doesn't wear that much makeup but still manages to look beautiful.

Some hair falls into her face so I brush it back. she moves so that her arms are around my waist and her nose is burrowed into my neck.

Today is a great day .

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