#82 Double Date (Dating Series) (Requested)

Start from the beginning

'Yes. A lot actually, why are you asking me this now?'

'Okay and how did Liam ask you to come to lunch with us?'

He was being quit nosy today, even for Harry. You humored him, but told him that Liam had specifically used the words 'double' and 'date'. Once he opened the text, Harry began squirming. Louis looked over too him, and Harry handed him the phone.

"Oh shit." You thought to yourself.

You felt your face redden when Louis smirked over at you. He look over to Liam and your own eyes followed. Liam was wear a blankly confused expression across his face. He looked at you for some kind of answer, but you didn't know how to answer.

Liam's phone buzzed from his pocket, and he pulled it out. He scanned the text message that he had gotten, and he began smiling. The smile with his squinty eyes and rosy cheeks.

"What is it?" You asked.

"You like me a lot huh?" He smirked.

You gaze darted over to see Louis showing off his phone, while Harry giggled in content. You brought a hand to your face, and groaned.

"Yeah..." You said in a near whisper.

Liam turned in his chair towards you and pulled away the hand that was hiding your face. He brought a hand up to your cheek and pulled you in closer. He kissed you sweetly, gently, and slowly.

"I like you too." He chuckled.


You, Niall, Greg, and Denise had all decided to go out for dinner, before Niall and the lads left for tour. It being a fairly nice place, you and Denise, wanted to wear dresses.

"I love seeing you and Niall together, Y/N. The two of you, are just adorable." Denise smiled going through the various dresses she had hanging in her closet.

"A-adorable? You know where only friends, right?" You asked, with you cheeks heating up.

"Well, you could have fooled me!" She said with a chuckle.

"How do you mean?" You asked.

She pulled out a long slender purple dress that had an elegant slit in the leg, and held it up against herself. She placed it on the bed, where you had been sitting, and then sat down next to you.

"We-Greg and I. We can see the way that Niall looks at you, and the way that you look at him. It's the same look that I give to my husband or to Theo. You like him. Don't you?" She said grabbing your hands.

You could feel your face growing warmer and warmer. Was it that obvious? You pressed your lips together, and nodded. Niall made you feel so beautiful, and he made you laugh everyday. You never thought about him actually liking you back, and now Denise was telling you that he did, maybe even more.

"W-What am I going to do?" You stammer, realizing that in a hour you'd be sitting face to face with him, and you wouldn't be looking at him, like he was your best friend.

"Tell him sweetie." She smiled.

"I can't tell him, what if he doesn't feel the same way. What if you and Greg were wrong and he doesn't like me back. I'd feel so stupid." You said expecting the worst to happen.

"Well, Y/N. Now you don't have too." Niall said from the frame of the door.

You flinched, not expecting him to hear any of this conversation. He walked into the room, as Denise got up to leave. She squeezed past him, whispering something in his ear as she left. Niall walked over to you, and slid his arm down your back. His touch driving you crazier than ever.

"Niall I-" you stammered.

You suddenly felt Niall's hot Irish lips against yours. The hand that he  had place behind your back pulled you in closer, while the other grasped your jaw. You ran your fingers through his hair, and smiled in between, slow, passionate kisses. Niall started to laugh, and pulled back.

"You have no idea...how long, I've waited to do that." He laughed.

Louis: After nearly an hour of doing your hair, you were finally ready to go. Louis had invited you to go with him to dinner with one of his Doncaster Rover friends and their wife. Since the two of you had been close friends for a long as you could remember, so it was obvious that he would ask you to tag along.

"Y/N are you about ready then, love?" He said knocking on the frame of the door.

"Yeah, do you wanna head out then?" You asked.

"Ladies first." He said giving you a wave.

You headed for the car and were on your way. Louis was driving, and you in the passenger seat. There was an awkward silence between the two of you, where as normally you would be chatting away or blasting music.

"Is something wrong Lou?" You asked turning towards him.

"Huh-oh yeah. I was just thinking." He said reaching for the radio dial.

Grabbing his hand, you took it away from the radio, "What is it? What are you thinking about?"

He seemed a bit flustered, but he managed to whisper something, "Us...".

"Us? What about us?" You asked.

Without notice Louis pulled over the car. He got out and walked around to your side. Opening your door you turned to him, and gave out a small gasp as he pulled you towards him and began kissing you. The cliche of 'fireworks' exploded and sent your mind wild.

"I was going to wait, but Y/N I think I love you." He said shyly.

"What do you mean you think you love me?!" You gasped.

"I have never felt the same about anyone, the way that I have felt about you." He told you grabbing your hand.

"So when you wanted to know about..us, what did you mean?" You asked.

"I need to know...if you feel the same. I can't wait any longer." He said shaking his head.

You didn't know what to or what you should say, because he had sprung this all on you so suddenly, but after a few moments you knew exactly what to say.

"Lou...I t-think I love you too." You smiled.

Zayn: You checked yourself in the mirror, before texting Zayn. He was waiting at the theatre, asking if you needed a ride but dismissed him saying since your best friend was coming you'll catch a ride with her.  You asked her if she wanted to come, to hook her up with Zayn other friend. She quickly said yes after seeing a photo o of the guy and you laughed. You were nervous as usual when you see Zayn, but you had a feeling it was going to be different tonight. You heard a honk and ran out the door. You hopped in the car and smiled at your friend. Once there you spotted Zayn with his friend and you grabbed your friend's hand" he's cool" she nodded. You got out and greeted them "You look beautiful." Zayn said hugging you while your face grew warm. "You don't look too bad either." he smiled and you faced your friend." Oh y/f/n this is Zayn and Niall, guys this is y/f/n" they shook her hand and Niall hugged her. "Nice to meet you." You all went in and decided on seeing a comedy movie. During the movie Zayn kissed your cheek and you responded by smiling and looking away. After the movie Niall and your friend were exchanging numbers. "I had a great time y/n" you giggled. "Me too Zayn" he moved his hand to your waist and brought you close. He kissed your nose before bringing his lips to yours and you kissed back, happy that tonight happened. It was him who pulled away, sadly though. "I'll stop by your place tomorrow?" he asked hopefully you nodded. "Yea, please," He laughed as Niall came over and put an arm around your friend, "I had a good night y/f/n, see you later." You smiled and left with your friend who was also happy.

A/N: Larry is something that I personal ship, but if you don't then please don't take any offense to it. I just wasn't sure what to have for the couple that Y/N and Liam went out with.

-Milk ;D and Kady

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