
Gabe hung up as sighed. He was sitting on a couch at the house the party would be at with Chisel who was playing bubble pop. There wasn't a lot of people in the room since the party was taking place outside in the back yard.
"Cera didn't suggest we hook him up." Chris said, not looking up from his phone.
"I know that... but he doesn't." Gabe explained.
"You really think that'll push him to make a move?" Chris chuckled, not really paying a lot of attention.
"If not, I don't know how to push those two together. Cera won't do anything. And getting Cera to admit she likes Alec just to turn around and tell him so he can ask her out seems wrong to me. Like I'm betraying her trust."
"There's just some things you can't help." Chris shrugged, indifferent. He had given up on those two getting together and didn't want to bother himself with it.


(A few minutes before Gabe called Alec.)

Cera stood in front of her closet, deciding on her outfits for the next week like she did most Fridays or Saturdays. She wore a plain navy blue tank top and long blue jeans. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she did her make up lightly. She was humming a tone that didn't belong to a song as she worked. Still, some of her thoughts drifted to Alec. Is he at the party yet? Is he having fun? Are the boys looking out for him? These were some of the questions she had.

Of course, she didn't wonder very long. Her phone that laid on her bed went off. Happily, she went to answer it, thinking it was Alec.
"Hello?" She placed the phone on her shoulder and sat on her bed.
"Hey!" Gabe said. "I'm at the party. How are you?"
"Good. Is Alec at the party?" Cera asked, expectingly.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking." He rolled his eyes and heard Cera laugh. "No, he isn't here yet but I'll call him in a bit."
"Okay. Keep me updated." Cera was ready to hang up.
"Wait!" Gabe called out.
"I have a question. Would you be okay with Chris and I setting Alec up? Like, hooking him up with someone?" This rubbed Cera the wrong way.
"Well, Alec said something about you saying he should go out on a date. I was thinking, maybe we can set him up." Cera felt uncomfortable with his suggestion. I'm the one that told him to go out... but, I was joking about the dating thing...
"W-why wouldn't I be okay with it? It's none of my business, anyway." Cera shrugged it off, trying to sound indifferent. Still, it gave her a bad feeling she couldn't place.
"You really don't care?" Gabe asked, feeling his heart fall in his chest.
"Gabe, do you still think I like Alec?" Cera rolled her eyes. "Is that why you called? To get my confession?"
"I was hoping for at least some concern." He groaned.
"Who ever Alec dates, that's up to him. I trust he's smart enough to find a nice, smart, and pretty girl." Cera kept the phone on her shoulder as she went back in her closet. He did find a girl like that and he's too much of a wimp to ask her out! Gabe thought. He just couldn't take it anymore.
"What if she's you? The girl he's supposed to be with? What if he's the one you're supposed to be with?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Gabe." She groaned. "I don't know why you care so much... look, Alec and I are just friends and that's..." her voice had started to grow louder and forceful up to saying, "that's all we ever will be." Her voice had softened abruptly but she kept her harsh tone. She almost sounded sad or disappointed despite not really knowing why she'd sound or... feel an ounce of that. Gabe heard it, unfortunately for her.
"Are you disappointed?" He asked hopefully. Cera shook her head, snapping herself back in reality.
"Course not- in fact, go set him up! I'm sure you can find a great girl for him." She forced a happy tone. I don't like Alec Rhodes. Never again.
"Cera-" Gabe tried to continue the conversation.
"I gotta go. Keep me updated." Cera interrupted before hanging up and sighing. She stood there for a long moment, thinking about their conversation. She even let consideration of what it would look like for her to get in a relationship with Alec. All she saw was him struggling to deal with her disability. Him struggling with the people that might laugh at him for dating her. That reminded her of her last date with Ben on the boardwalk... and another time even before that...

(A few months ago)

Cera and Ben were on another date. Ben was taking her to the movies and Cera was excited. She always loved the idea of a movie date.

Ben stood in line to get the tickets with Cera. As Cera looked around, happily, Ben looked at her hand. This'll get her, Ben thought before grabbing her hand. Cera was shocked and looked up at him suprised.
"What?" He grinned. "Can't a guy hold his girlfriend's hand?" This made Cera smile before she looked away and blushed. That's when they both heard it, Whispers. Ben and Cera looked to their left to see kids from school grouped together and whispering and laughing to themselves. They even started taking pictures to which Ben response by letting go of Cera's hand. Cera felt her face heat up in shame and embarrassment but didn't say anything. She didn't want to make the situation worse for Ben.

Cera snapped out of the painful memory.
"Never again." She told herself and went back to work.

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