"So Connor tell me, what was your reaction when you found out about all this?"

"I was mad. I was angry. I was hurt. I know I handled the situation poorly. I vocalised my anger and it only made matters worse. It increased Liz's pain and as soon as I realised what I had done, I regretted it. I never want to hurt Liz and in that moment... that's exactly what I did."

"And why is it that you think that you reacted the way you did?"

"I was stressed. I don't always know how to handle Liz's anxiety and depression and it always feels like one thing after another. I just, I don't know how to help her sometimes and it's so hard." I than saw a side to Connor that I rarely see. He was vulnerable and he was hurting. His voice cracking in between sentences was evident enough.

"And not being able to help her, how does that make you feel?"

"Frustrated. I get so frustrated that I lose my temper and it makes it look like I'm frustrated with her when in reality, it's myself I'm angry at."

It was silent for a moment whilst Renee scribbled down notes on a piece of paper.

"Okay, so it's definitely clear that we need to work on how to deal and cope with Liz's health. Like I've said Liz, I've seen quite a change in you within the last few weeks so I think you are really adapting well. However, Connor I think there's still room for improvement with how you deal with Liz, particularly in rather heated situations. Have you done any research about how you can help loved ones dealing with mental health?" Renee continued when Connor shook his head indicating no. "Well I have some really good articles that I think will be a huge help so I've made a note to email them to you."

I couldn't help but feel terrible that I was putting Connor through all this pain. I didn't realise how much it truly affected him until now. I couldn't help but let the tears fall from my eyes.

"Liz, is there something you'd like to share?" Renee asked noticing my damp cheeks.

"I just feel horrible that Connor has to suffer because of me. I'm the one with the issues, not him. He shouldn't have to be torn down by me."

"Liz, you don't have issues. Every single day, the actions we do and the words we speak affect each and every person around us. Even if you didn't have anxiety or depression, there always seems to be something that will affect those around us. I've been doing the double therapist sessions with you both for a while now and I can truly see how much love you both have for one another. And Liz, with that comes communication and honesty. It's quite evident that Connor wants to do everything he can to help you, otherwise... he wouldn't be here right now supporting you."

Emily's POV

"Come on E! He's a really nice guy and he thinks you're cute!"

"I don't know Kara, remember the last guy you tried to set me up with?" I gave my best friend a look and returned to putting my books in my locker.

"Okay, I take full blame for that. I had no idea he was going to be such a creep BUT Justin isn't. I know a bunch of people who know him and I've only heard good things. Pleeeeeease, do it for meeeee," she gave me a puppy dog face.

The last time I went out with someone that Kara had set me up with, the guy was an absolute creep. Did I really want to risk that again?


I slammed my locker door shut.

"BUT.... If this guy is a creep like the last one, I'm out."

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!" She squealed hugging me tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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