TF2-The bloody Wrench killer.

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Happy Halloween everybody! (it was supposed to be a Halloween special but I didn't finish it in time)
This story is based on a drawing I made a long time ago. I redrew the Drawing and took the concept to make a spooky story. please let me know what you think so I can consider making more original Creepypasta stories. i hope you enjoy.

The world created by game developers isn't always what the code shows. we as gamers see the forced aspect of the game. the one where we control the characters actions according to the games coded law and our skills but what we don't realize is that there is a universe inside. one where the character's think they are real. they are living creatures like any other of us. they act out a story that later appears as an update and we as poor gamers get fooled by Valve. thinking they want to give us the best in-game experience as possible. but think about it. we complain about something and it never seems to get fixed. for example auto balance. if they can't even fix something as simple as that, how would they be able to fight off whats lurking in the unknown?

what if that unexpected moment arrives? where they have to take precautions against a stronger force. take a virus or a glitch for example. what will happen then? how will they fix it? and how does it effects us?

It's a cold fall night. halloween is right around the corner, in fact, its tomorrow. The teams of both Red and Blu made preparations for the upcoming festivities. they did plan to throw a party after all, but it was sure to be interfered by marasmus yet again. he always appears around this time of the year to summon his ghost and ghouls in an attempt to kill both of the teams.

" zhat guy is sure to ruin everything. but we won't let him succeed."

medic pushed the glasses higher upon the bridge of his nose before he rolls the blueprints out upon the workbench.

"if he really wants to kill us he should try a surprise attack. but since he's too dumb to think about that, his attacks are always predictable. you can see that guy coming from a mile away. that leaves me to wonder though.

he always appears on Halloween night and leaves a few weeks later. that's the case every year. but the real question is why?"

engie said as he took a few tools of the wall. he walked over to his companion in science to hand him a hammer as well as some goggles and a helmet. however, the medic made a gesture to him. as if to say" place those back where you got them. "

"I won't be needing zhose my friend. I will leave zhe tinkering to you. I will keep myself occupied with zhe calculations"

"suit yourself." the shorter man shrugged as he puts the helmet and goggles down. he rolled up his sleeves.

"let's get started, partner."

so the medic and engineer redesigned the sentries. they placed new and improved turrets around the base as soon as they were ready to go. "this will keep them out for sure" dell dusts his shirt off as he finally placed the last turret down. he lifted his toolbox up.

"if he ruins this year Halloween party I will kill him with my own hands."

he sighs deeply as he walks into the base. little did he know that Merasmus would never come. he wouldn't have a chance to do so. his job would be taken by a creature without a soul.

Later that evening when the Red and Blue team went to sleep,

dark clouds drift before the moon, the only light source is stolen from the sky and land below. this is the perfect moment to move forward. the creature that lurked in the shadows grins. he takes the perfectly timed opportunity to glide over the ground, up the walls of the blue base. he stops near a window before his claws dig into the brick wall before him. he's about to enter the building but stops as he heard a noise, the noise of someone snoring. the creature relaxes at that, there is no need to freak out just yet. they are all sound asleep and so they will be as the shadow opens the window and sneaks in. his glowing crimson eyes scan the room of the engineer. the shadow doesn't have any interest in his personal belongings, its something else he's after. A body. A physical form to roam this earth with. One that won't burn him in the sun or moonlight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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