Chapter 15

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Jason holds my hand, leading me into the garden in his backyard

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Jason holds my hand, leading me into the garden in his backyard. Every time I question what we are doing, he just squeezes my hand, never saying a word. Taking a turn behind some hedges, we come to a halt in front of his grandmother, who stares off into the distance.

"Jason, what are we doing?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. He ignores my question, instead approaching the older lady. He has to call her name five times before she snaps back into reality.

"Ah, Jason. How nice to see you." She greets with a smile on her too red lips. "Is it Wednesday already?" Jason nods and she continues to ramble. "Yes, it must be. You've come to ask for it. Although, I've always told you I would pass it on to you." She reaches into her pocket, placing the small item in Jason's palm. "There. I know you'll use it wisely." Jason walks over to me, an odd look on his face. When he bends down on one knee, I place my hand over my mouth, trying not to squeal.

"Davvy-" He begins, but I yank him up by his arms.

"I don't want a speech. My answer's already yes." I crush my lips to his, gripping into his  arms tightly. While we kiss, I feel him slide the ring into my finger. I smile, slowly pulling away. I take a glance at the beautiful ring, admiring the dark emerald gem. "Thank you." I say to his grandmother. She smiles, returning to her dazed state. I turn my attention back to Jason, giving him a huge smile. "You really wanna do this? Sebastian's told me I'm a quite a handful." I tease.

"I know. But I've got two hands, I can handle you." I roll my eyes as he smiles cheekily, swooping down to peck my cheek. "Bu seriously, I want to marry you. I love you so damn much it hurts. I know when you're sad, angry, happy. Sometimes I swear I can feel your pain. It physically pains me to see you hurt or cry. Davina, I love you and I will until the world ends." My eyes fill with tears of happiness.

"Dammit, look what you did to me." I chuckle. "I love you, too, Jason. You are my everything. I'm so glad I snuck into your backyard that day in kindergarten. You've been the source of my happiness for as long as I can remember. You and Cheryl are the few people that understand me. And I'm so lucky to have you in my life. I will never stop loving you, not even after I die. Our love is infinity. Nothing can stop it."


Well, the time has come. Almost. It's July 3rd, the night before Jason and I leave. The beautiful ring rests on my finger, it's pressure sending a warm feeling through my body. I stare at the moon, watching how the stars twinkle around it. In less that twelve hours, my world will be forever changed. I will enter a new, improved life with the boy I love and our child. Sebastian went out of town a few days ago, so I said goodbye to him then. I wish I could tell him, but the less people that know the better. Jughead has tried contacting me since our last visit, but I know if I hear his voice I won't be able to leave. It may not always seem like it, but Juggy and I are close. When our parents weren't home, Sebastian and I would invite him over. We'd spend hours playing board games and watching movies. Those were some of the best highlights of my childhood.

I steal one more glance at the night sky, letting out a soft sigh and turning around. I take in all my decorations and miscellaneous items spread across my room, double checking that I have everything I may have forgotten. Jason and I packed the car this morning, making sure we only bring enough to last us for at least a month. I switch the light off, snuggling deep into the covers. Tomorrow things will change. Tomorrow things will be different.

Awe my babies got hitched!! It's the last night at home, things bout to go down.
Anyways, hope y'all liked it. Thanks for reading.

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