Chapter 5

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The bell for lunch rings and I slowly make my way to my locker, putting my History book away

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The bell for lunch rings and I slowly make my way to my locker, putting my History book away. I feel an annoying presence, and I know who it is. There are only two people that radiate that kind of aura, and the other is currently home sick.

"What do you want, Mantle?" I groan, closing my locker. His mouth moves, but I zone out his words, too busy not caring what he has to say. "I'm sorry, I didn't get that. I don't speak idiot." Reggie rolls his eyes.

"Why do you have to be so rude?"

"Why do you have to be so annoying? Now go away, I don't like you." He wisely does as I say, calling me a name as he passes. Cheryl links arms with me as I meet her by the water fountain, making our way to the cafeteria. We get our food, heading outside to find Jason. Cheryl spots him, but I don't go with her. Instead, I head to Jughead, who sits with some red head boy.

"Did you find anything?" I ask, sitting across from him. The boy looks at me weirdly, scooting away from me.

"Only a little bit. That extra syrup you were talking about was sent to some bar on the south side." Jughead tells me.


"Could be. But I wouldn't be so sure. There were some people I didn't recognize, people from upstate. Could tell by their clothes."

"Thanks Jug." I stand up, giving him a smile before turning to the boy. "Might wanna close your mouth, bugs are flying in." And with that said, I head to the Blossom twins, plopping down next to Cheryl.

"Anything?" Jason asks, grabbing my hand. I repeat what Jughead told me, and the twins seems as confused as I feel. "So they sell syrup to upstaters but have to deliver it from the south side? Why?"

"I don't know and neither does Jug. There's more to this business than our parents are letting on."

"We could ask your uncle." Cheryl suggests.

"No, he's already going through enough. He doesn't need us bothering him." I say, immediately rejecting the thought. My poor uncle had lost his job and hasn't been able to get anything since then. The last thing he needs is to be interrogated by a group of teens.

"So how do we find out what's going on?" Jason questions.

"Are we even sure something dangerous is going on? What if we're just looking at this the wrong way?" Cheryl, always the one to believe in good. No, to believe in her parents. Cheryl loves them, she doesn't want to believe they could be involved in something dangerous.

"Only one way to find out." I tell her, a smirk playing at my lips. Jason nods at me, knowing what my plan is.

"You're funeral." Cheryl says once she realizes what I'm thinking.

Rose Thorns - A Jason Blossom FFWhere stories live. Discover now