Chapter 12

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I lay in bed, curled up into a ball

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I lay in bed, curled up into a ball. I haven't come out all weekend long, except for when I had to use the restroom. Sebastian questioned nothing when I returned home crying, instead he brought me hot chocolate and donuts we hid in his bedroom and volunteered to have a Harry Potter marathon with me. He even was willing to hold me hair back when I throw up, which seemed to be everyday now.

Someone barges through my door, ripping open my curtains. I lift my head, groaning at the light. A red head stands before me, arms crossed over her chest, hip popped out.

"What do you want, Cheryl?" She yanks my cover off of me, ignoring my whine of protest.

"I want to know why Jason has locked himself in his bedroom for the entire weekend." She replies, grabbing my arms and pulling me up.

"We got into a fight."

"Well get dressed, you're going to talk to him and you're going to fix this." A wave a nausea washes over me. I clap my hand to my mouth, sprinting to my bathroom. I empty my stomach, resting on the cold floor when I finish. "Are you sick?" Cheryl asks, bending down to my level.

"I think so. I've been throwing up all weekend long." Her eyebrows furrow and then a look of realization comes upon her face.

"Are you late?" It takes me a few seconds to realize what she means, and I nod at her question.

"What does that have to do with anything?" She rolls her eyes, reaching into the bathroom cabinet and pulling out a pregnancy test. "Why is that in there?"

"I put them in there once we hit high school. Now, follow the instructions." She shoves the box into my hand, walking out of the bathroom. I do as the instructions say, counting three minutes in my head before checking. I gulp, seeing two pink lines. "What does it say?" Cheryl asks when I enter my room.

"It's positive." I croak, the burning sensation of tears in my eyes causing my sight to be blurry. Cheryl holds me while I break down, sobbing into her shoulder. "What am I going to do? My parents are going to kill me."

"Don't tell them. If they don't know they can't hurt you."

"That's impossible. They're going to find out a some point, I can't hide it forever."

"We'll worry about that later. Right now you need to tell Jason."


I stand outside Jason's door, raising my fist to knock. He opens, eyes boring into mine. He moves to the side, inviting me in. We awkwardly stand in his room, neither of us knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry I yelled." He speaks up.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I thought I was protecting you by keeping it from you. But now I realize I should've told you." I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what I'm about to say. "Jason, I'm pregnant." Jason stiffens, blue eyes widening. "I-I should go." I haven't even taken three steps when Jason gently grabs my wrist, spinning me around to face him. He pulls me into him, lips crashing down onto mine. The kiss is short and sweet, and he rests his forehead on mine when we pull apart.

"I love you, so much." He whispers, stroking my cheek lovingly.

"I love you, but what about our parents? They'll kill us." Our parents might love that we're dating, but they were very clear that if something like this were to happen, we would pay the consequences. They wanted this when we were older and married, not freshmen in high school.

"We'll run away. We've always wanted to. Now that we know the truth about the company and are going to be starting our family, it's our only decision. We have to run away."

"How? No matter where we go, they'll find us."

"We'll fake our deaths. You, me, and Cher will go boating. We'll go to the other side of Sweetwater River. Cheryl will tip the boat and say we fell into the water. When no one finds our bodies they'll think we drowned. Our parents won't go looking for us. Now all we need is money to provide for us." I think of my uncle, knowing he'll help us.

"I've got that covered. When should we do this?"

"In two months, on the Fourth of July. We go boating every Independence Day, no one will suspect a thing." I smile, imagining our lives once we leave.

"We're really doing this?"

"Anything to keep the two of you safe." Jason replies, resting his hand on my stomach.

"I love you." I say again.

"And I love you."

And there is chapter 12.
Okay, not to be rude or anything, but could you guys please not comment telling me to update when I just updated? I love that you guys love this story and such, but I mean I just updated.
Also, I want you guys to know that I probably won't be updating every week. School has started and I'm really busy with homework and cheer.
And I want you to realize that not every chapter is going to be long. If one is short it's because I wanted it to be that way. So please don't be rude about that.
Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you liked it.

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