Chapter Three: This isn't the Weirdest Thing That's Happened

Start from the beginning

Now, Percy was standing on the lawn in front of the dorm, the events of the day finally starting to really catch up with her. She wanted to cry, but looking at Sam, and even his brother, she knew that she needed to stay strong, and be their rock. She had done it before, and she could do now. She could cry later, when no one was watching, for now though, she had to be strong.

Percy sighed and turned to the Winchesters, "So what do we do now?"

The shorter one, who by the way was still at least six foot, gave her a look. "What do you mean, we? You're not coming with us."

Percy bit back another sigh, as well as an exasperated eye roll. "Look, whatever that thing was-"

"A demon." Dean cut in, glaring at Percy.

"Okay, so this demon attacked me, killed one of my only friends, and I know it all has something to do with you two. And like it or not, now it has something to do with me too. Whatever's going on, whatever happens next, you're stuck with me until we figure this out. Okay?" Percy was surprised that she was taking this so well, but this wasn't the weirdest thing to happen to her.

Sam cut in, "First, we need to know if Yellow-eyes-"

Percy interrupted him, "Look, I hate to interrupt you, but who is 'Yellow-eyes', well other than the jackass who killed my best friend?"

Dean, who was still glaring at Percy, by the way, responded as rudely as possible. "The demon who killed our mother."

"Oh." then, Percy realized something. "You don't know it's real name, do you?"

Dean just glared harder, confirming Percy's suspicions. "That's okay, we'll figure it out later For now, what's the plan? This is kinda new for me."

Sam started again. "We need to know if anyone saw Yellow-eyes."

"Okay then. That's what we'll do."

~~~~~~~~~This Linebreak has Ridden the TARDIS and Become a Timeskip~~~~~~~~~~~~~


To be fair, it took a whole week for them to give up. A whole week of asking around, hoping that they would be able to figure out where Yellow-Eyes had gone. Percy had done surprisingly well, considering the fact that, as far as he knew, she was a Marine Biology Major with no previous questioning experience.

No one had been able to tell them, anything, though, Sam suspected, well, knew, that it was because of the limited information that they were able to give people. Percy hadn't seen much, or, at the very least, couldn't remember what she had seen. That was most likely because of the smoke inhalation that she refused to see a doctor for.

Now, a week later, having talked to just about everybody, the group was heading to the coordinates that John had planted for his sons to find. After a lot of bargaining, and some bribery, Percy had been able to convince Dean to let her come with.

They had yet to explain their world to Percy, and, honestly Sam was kind of dreading the conversation, so, it was definitely an unpleasant surprise when Dean brought it up while they were driving.

"So Percy, what do you know about demons?" the question was sudden, and to be honest startled Sam a bit.

"Not much, I'm better with daimons."

"What?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Greek demons, my family's into Greece, so I know alot about it. Sorry, anyways, you were talking about demons?"

"Yep. And ghosts and all those things that you thought weren't real."

Percy held up a hand. "Wait, I think I heard a thought in there somewhere."

Dean smirked, clearly enjoying this. "You did, that stuff is real."

Percy cursed under her breath, surprising Sam a bit, he expected a more extreme reaction than a curse under the breath. "So like, angels and gods and stuff like that are real to? Or just demons?"

Sam took that opportunity to step into the conversation. "The angels thing is-"

Dean interrupted, "Not true. Angels aren't real."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Up for debate. It's hard to know for sure. But gods and such, those aren't real."

Percy coughed. "Sorry about that. Could you give me a rundown on what exists on this planet that I should know about."

Sam answered her quickly, "Well, there's vampires, ghosts, wendigos, werewolves. There's a lot really. You'll figure it out as we go."

Percy nodded. "Alright, that's super helpful and definitely won't produce any problems later."

"You're taking this well." Dean brought up, "I would've thought that you've reacted a lot differently."

Sam had to agree. It was rather suspicious that Percy wasn't having an existential crisis right about now. That was how he had reacted when he had been let in on the secrets of the world, but Percy seemed calm.

"Not really. I'm glad that I'm behaving that way though, the less insane I appear, the more likely you are to let me help you."

Dean turned and gave the raven-haired girl a look. "There's no way you're coming with us. We can handle this on our own, and we don't need you getting in our way."

Sam agreed with his older brother, not that he was going to say anything. Percy was untrained and new to all of this. It would be far too easy for everything to go wrong.

"Fine. I'll do research on "Yellow-Eyes", if we can figure out his real name, then we can ask about him, find him, that sorta thing."

It was Sam's turn to look at Percy. "Why?"

"I'm not useless and I won't act that way. If I can't help with the action, then I'm going to help with the research."

"Sounds good." Sam replied. Dean gave him a look. "We need to find Yellow-Eyes, this could help, plus she won't be in any danger."


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