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What is love?
Is it belief?
Is it hope?
Is it just a word?

All I ever wanted to do was talk to you.
Look at you.
Feel your presence
Just once.

You were always too busy.
You always had something to do.
You were always angry,
Always yelling
You'd shut me out of your life.
Your life was a game.
You always had to win.
Win the race.
Win the challenge.
Win the battle...
But you lost the war.

You never know what you have until it's gone.
I left
But you didn't say goodbye.
You were always too busy.

The truth is
Love is just a word
Until someone comes along
And gives it meaning.
You never knew me
But I was always there.
I believed in you.
I hoped for your best.
But you didn't notice me.

You were always too busy.

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