Camden was suddenly there at my other side, hand gripping my shoulder. "Aurnia," he hissed. "Help me."

 I stared at him as he stared at me like I was a lifeline. "What can I do? How can I help you?" I could tell this was Camden and definitely not Exhaustion.

 His entire body started shaking and his eyes glazed over. "Help me fight him. I can't do it alone. Please, Aurnia. Please help me."

 I stared at him, completely frozen in shock and fear. I could barely fight my own Demon, let alone help Camden fight his. I just didn't know if I could do it.

 Use me, Vision whispered. Let me help you.

 I started. How? How can you do that?

 You have to trust me, Aurnia. You have to let go of your fear and trust me. That is the only way to save your friend.

 But how can I do that? I don't know if I know how to trust anyone anymore.

 You just have to let go of your fear and remember how to trust. It never left you. If you just reach out for it, you'll find it's still there.

 I sighed, knowing full well she was right. But I had absolutely no idea if I could actually do it. Doing it was so much harder than just thinking it. But maybe, just maybe, if I tried to I could do it. Yes, I thought, I could do it for Camden.


 I heard a scream as my sword plunged straight through Cearbhall's arm. I jumped back, pulling my other sword, ready for his inevitable attack. But he just pulled my other sword out of his arm and let it clatter to the floor. He then dropped his arm to his side, even though it was pouring blood.

 If he was human I would have been worried, but he wasn't so I had no reason to be. He would stop bleeding in a few minutes, but he had to be in a whole lot of pain. Anyone, Angel or not, with a wound like that would be in a world of pain.

 Cearbhall watched me. "Echo," he said.


 He smiled. "I knew you could not forget me, not as I have forgotten you."

 I put my sword back into its sheath, before crossing my arms. "You have obviously not forgotten me."

 "When you fell, as I knew you eventually would, my memories returned to me." He took a step towards me. "I have remembered the passion you brought to me."

 I didn't move. "I did not fall for, Cearbhall. I would not have fallen for you or for your brother. I never would have. I may have cared for you once, but my memories are not so blank as you would like to believe."

 Cearbhall blinked, the only sign that he was taken aback. I knew I had gotten to him, though I was one of the few people that could tell when he was upset or in pain. "And what exactly," he said, "do you think that I think you do not remember."

 "You know exactly what that is," I said, stubbornly refusing to reveal anything to the humans around us. "And it is exactly what forced your brother into a mental breakdown when he saw me. Am I correct?"

 Cearbhall's hands began to shake and I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about. That he knew I remembered my time as a human, when he had killed me because I had fallen for his brother.

 I didn't smile as I watched him, knowing that if I did he would feel he had some success over me, even though he didn't. After a long pause, he said "then why did you fall, Echo? I know you would not have fallen unless you had a very good reason."

Angel Chronicles - Book 1: Fallen Angel[lgbt]Where stories live. Discover now