Chaper 8

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Kane p.o.v
In his dark castle Kane was waiting for an update from his son about the mission he had given him.
When Vladimir lied to him for the first time Kane had become furious, but he let his son believe that he believed what his son was saying.
Kane gave his son time to confess the truth but he never did.
Kane was growing impatient, he wanted the lost princess dead immediately.
"Gideon call in the clan we need a meeting now" Kane yelled
"Yes my lord" Gideon replied
When all the creatures of Kane's clan came to the meeting Kane said" I need three of you to go to the human realm and follow my son Vladimir "
The clan was getting loud and everyone wanted to ask questions
" enough " Kane shouted
It became very quiet " I believe my son is hiding something from me and I want to know what it is, who is willing to go to the human realm to follow him " said the demon king
Three minion raised and said they would do it.
The demon king reminded them that they should stay hidden so that no human can see them.
Kane dismissed everyone from the meeting and went to his chamber.
Kane sat on his thrown furious that his own son would lie and betrayed him.
Just like everyone else in his life, Kane wasn't always evil he was king and loving.
But the fact that he was so hideous and a demon cause the people in his town to make fun of him.
They would thrown stones in his home set it on fire, they would call him names.
Over time Kane learned how to used his powers for his benefit.
One night he killed everyone in his town, Kane enjoyed the sound of their screams and them pleading him to stop just like he did once but did they.
Kane had no mercy for anyone his heart was some cold he was abandoned by everyone he loved to fend for himself.
Kane laughed when he remembered
"Look at me now "Kane shouted
"I am the demon king ruler of Aslan, no one can ever defeat me " he said
"Except for the stupid princess, she has the power to awaken all the magical creatures who have hidden since I took over" Kane said
" she can take away everything I tried so hard to get, I won't let her take it away from me" Kane said
Kane was willing to do anything and kill anyone in order to get what he wanted .
Kane needed that emblem, he thought that if he had it no one could ever defeat him.
Kane didn't know that only Safiera could control that emblem.
Slowly but surely Safiera was coming close to her destiny and uncovering the truth about herself.

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