20 | Irritated

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"You better not be putting that anywhere." I say, growing serious. The last R6TV we had of us in the studio, she literally almost kept a clip of Ross and I kissing behind her while she was filming herself. If it wasn't for me helping her with the process for once, Ross and I would've been public, and I do not want that right now.

"I'm not. I'm done with rehearsal footage." She replies, putting her phone down by her side. "Do you need help with Trading Time?" She asks me. "I had Rocky help me yesterday and he showed me a pit of your part so we can play together and mess around with it if we want." She tells me.

"Yes. Please." I mutter, already heading back to my keys. Do the next twenty-five minutes, Rydel and I nailed down a solid double key part for Trading Time. Then, the next half hour after that was spent solidifying vocals in the corner for Lay Your Head Down, Smile, I Know You Got Away and Wild Hearts. Okay, every time we went through twenty seconds of each song once, except Lay Your Head down considering it was the newest one, but it still took forever. And now, it was nearly ten o'clock on a Tuesday night and I was tired.

"Anyone up for some food?" Rocky asks as we all leave our rehearsal space. "I'm starving and there's a in-n-out a few streets away." He adds.

"Wait, but I have to get back to my laptop. I have an assignment due tonight at midnight that I'm almost done with, Rocky." I tell him, grabbing onto his arm. "I need to go home." He drove Ross and I here, meaning he's my only ride back. I'm out of the way if I go with Rydellington, who actually agreed to going out, and I'm out of the way for Riker who also agreed to go out.

"Chill, bean. It's only ten o'clock, you'll have plenty of time when we get back." Ross tells me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I duck from under his embrace, not in the mood for his cutesy shit. Not right now, Laura. Your education is more important. Plus he's been weird all night and this is the first sign of affection. But for now, we're irritated.

"No, I have to go back. By the time you'll be done eating, it'll be well after eleven, and then the ride back to Mark and Stormie's is like a half hour. I'd have like ten minutes to work on it. I'm sorry, but that won't fly with me. I won't get it in on time and I'll get an incomplete and my overall grade in that class will drop, Ross." I explain to him.

"It won't take that long to order food and eat it." He tells me. "And maybe you shouldn't of waited until the last minute to do it." I could tell he was partially teasing, but I also knew he was being more serious. And truth is, I didn't wait until the last minute. I've been insanely busy with other assignments so I could stay ahead and take my finals early, but I also have band rehearsals and memorizing new harmonies and anything music related I can't get done during rehearsals. I even have my own personal acting career that's been getting me busy with new auditions and new photo shoots.

"Look, we'll order our food and leave." Rocky tells me. Shaking my head, I pull out my phone and click on my Uber app.

"No, I'm sorry, but that still won't cut it. I'll just Uber home, go eat." I mumble, already typing in Mark and Stormie's address and my current location.

"Laura, just come eat." E says, grabbing onto my shoulder.

"Eff off, Ellington. You're not helping." I tell him. He holds his hands up in surrender and takes a few steps back, acting like what I did was just some big joke. What is happening tonight?

"You sure?" Ross asks.

"Yes, just go before... just go." Finally, as if my instructions was the most confusing thing on earth, they walk away from me and into their cars. I watch as Rydel and Ellington both pull onto the road, then Ross and Rocky, and then Riker, leaving me to stand against the wall of a building in the dark, waiting for my Uber.

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