16 | Excitement

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If This Is Love: 15 | Excitement
| Laura Renae |

To Big Bean💛😋:
Leaving Rydellington's house in a few. I'll see you soon

I shove my phone in my purse and head to the counter where I know my car keys would be. Rydel was showering at the moment while Ellington was messing around on the keys in the living room, still somewhat giving me the silent treatment. Doesn't matter to me. Snatching my car keys, I grab my small bag and head for the front door. Ross had texted me the address of the place him and Rocky have been staying at and it was over a forty minute drive, so I wasn't looking forward to it, but it'll be worth it to be with Ross.

"I'm leaving! Bye!" With that being said, I shut the front door and hop into my car, starting my playlist before pulling out of the driveway and making my way towards Manhattan Beach where their current living is taking place. The drive was terrible. It was nearly nine o'clock and traffic was somewhat clearing up, but it's still super busy around 6:00pm-9:00pm, sometimes till midnight. But I made it alive and parked on the street. The house was on the second story, so I had to climb a flight of stairs before seeing the front door. Ross had also said the door was unlocked, so I didn't bother knocking. "I'm here!" I shout, shutting the front door.

"Make sure you lock it!" Rocky shouts back. Nodding to myself, I turn around and lock the door. I was ok the shoot distance to the living room and see Rocky sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap, typing away. "Ross is showering, he should be done in a few." He tells me. I set my bag down by the kitchen table and walk over to the couch so I can take a seat.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"At the moment... replying to some emails. But I was going over a few songs that we wrote awhile back." He tells me. I just nod, not really wanting to talk. In all honesty, I was tired still. Dinner was intense before and after my phone call with Ross and it pretty much drained all energy out of me. Maybe I am actually weak. "Hey, Renae?" I open my eyes back up and turn my head towards Rocky. "Are you... okay?" He asks me.

"Uh... yeah?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because of yesterday." He replies. Not this again.

"Rocky, I've had them before. Yes, I'm fine." He just nods his head a little at my words. "What makes you think I'm not fine?" I couldn't help but ask that. Everyone keeps asking if I'm fine. Am I not breathing? Am I not blinking? Am I not living?

"For starters... you haven't told anyone besides Ross. You've never acted stressed out to the point where you'd do... that. In fact, you rarely stress out in front of any of us. It just seams like you're off, maybe." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Uh, Rocky?" He raises his eyebrows at me. "If you ask Ross, he'd tell you that I'm almost always stressed out." His whole face drops. "I don't like showing it to people because... because it makes me feel weak. That's the reason why I had Ross promise me he wouldn't tell anyone when we were eleven." I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot today.

"You're not weak, Laura. All of us stress out and are afraid of things. That doesn't classify you as weak." I frown and lock eyes with him.

"Have you ever had a panic attack or an anxiety attack?" I ask him. He shakes his head, not breaking eye contact. "Then you don't know what you're talking about." Out of nowhere, footsteps were being heard and soon the whistling of Ross was being heard. Rocky and I kept staring at each other.

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