Sept 11

13 1 3

Today is 9,11.

I wanna say thank you to all of the soldiers who go out and fight for our country every day,

They put our country first no mater what's going on in their lives, staying away from their family for months without end.

And not even knowing if they will be coming back or not.

They fought for us.

They died for us.

On 9,11 two planes flew into the twin towers as an act of terrorism. When the buildings fell, many lives were lost. The firemen saved a spectacularly lucky bunch op people from the rubble of the fallen towers. Those firemen risked their lives too, all for us.

So just remember, every day you have someone fighting for you. Risking their lives for the country, for us.

I am so thankful of our country. We rose from the bottom, we came up top. We fought for our title. Here we are all equal to tell our stories without being judged, without being limited to what we could do or say. We are free here.

We are limitless.

We are strong.

We are powerful.

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