Chapter 16: Surprise surprise

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As we wait, Mai's number gets called. "Good luck Mai!" I say, "Good luck Mailand" Krissy and Sally say. "Thank you all" she hugs us and we hug back. "How long are we going to stay in London?" I ask. "3weeks" Sally says. "Cool, Can i look around for a bit? I'll be back in about 2 days" I say as i get up and leave. "Wait, where you going?" Sally asks. "I'm going to Italy to surprise my best friend" I tell her. "Be safe, here's some money" She hugs me and i hug her back. Krissy hugs me too. I find a flight that takes me to Milan, it's only $40, great deal, so i Buy it and go to the airport. I get on the plane and sit near the back, i sit near the window and just listen to music on the way there.

Meanwhile, Mai is doing her audition, She's on a pogo stick, playing the trumpet and doing tricks while on the pogo stick, like that one audition we saw on iCarly, the very first episode of iCarly. The producers are amazed at her talent and all 4 of them said "Yes" to her. She got 4 yes's ! She jumped around, with out her pogo stick and hugged all 4 of them. She ran out and told Sally and Krissy the news and they all were very happy. "Where's Sam?" Mai asks, "She'll be back in a while" Krissy says. They all went out to explore London as they celebrate. Krissy whispers in Mai's ear "Remember, we have to get Sally and Simon together" "OOHHH yeahh" Mai replies as they both look at Sally. "But we have to locate Simon first" Mai says. "You're right, let's find him" Krissy says. "Wait, I can't... I'll get shy around Simon, he's hot" Mai says. "Oh come on, you're gonna have to see him in person" Krissy tells her. "Yeah i know" Mai sighs as they are walking around With Sally.

A few hours past and I find the navy base in Milan, that is where Carly is staying. I go to the front gates and ask for Carly Shay, they know that I'm her best friend. "But, don't tell her I'm here!! It's a surprise" I say, they tell me to hide right here. Carly walks out and looks around, she sees nothing and sighs, then walks back. I pop out and say "CARLY!!!" She turns back and looks at me, she gets teary and runs to me, she hugs me tight and I hug her back tightly. "OMG SAM!! HOW, WHEN, WHERE!!!!" She gets very emotional, as do i. "I left LA to go back to Seattle, but Freddie was getting ready to leave for Harvard University and well I continued up north into Canada" I say "What really??" We are still hugging. "Yeah, And I met some new friends and they decided to go to England and audition for Britain's Got Talent. as they were doing that, i decided to buy a plane ticket to Italy to surprise you bae" She looks at me and continues to hug, i also hug her. "Aww love, You did all that for me?" she says sweetly. "Of course, you're my best friend!" I say. "Come in, let's go inside so my dad knows you're here" She says as she grabs my hand and takes me inside.

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