Midnight adrenaline

Start from the beginning

Trudging up the stairs I pray Newt won't be with Alby. What could be worse?
The fact that it was reality. I could hear him outside the gathering room, my stomach fell a hundred million miles. My feet as heavy as the sacks of flour in Fry's kitchen.

They were crocked over a bunch of papers discussing who knows what; something they most definitely wouldn't tell me. I knock, their eyes dart on me then off like a switch.
"Y/n." Alby greets me, his voice a low rumble.
"Alby," I hope they don't see my bottom lip quiver. "Newt." His name was practically gasped, "I need another bolt for the toilet." Thank god, that actually went alright.
"Builders are bloody useless." Newt mumbles.
"You should be glad if we didn't do our job you'd have gladers taking a klunk all over the glade." I retort.

It was like Love was watching us, his beautiful eyes darting between us, his blossom lips were covered shut by a long nailed, slender red hand, stopping his magic work. Hatred chuckled in his ear as she placed a knife against the tender skin of his neck. Her power was strong and she loved to watch her masterpiece unfold.

"Shut it you two, I don't want to hear any more of this baby fighting." Alby snaps, his eyes scanning Newt and I. He sighs and shakes his head, "this is messed up." He whispered.
Newt runs his hand through his hair, I bite my lip and our eyes met for a moment, it wasn't even a moment. A milli-milli second. Glorious milli-millisecond.
"Let's go get this bolt, come on Newt." Alby says rolling up the sheets and walking towards me.

He lead the way with Newt next, me at the back. The grass wasn't bowing out our way as normal, each step was a fight and a dreaded one as well.

The moment Alby entered the shed, there was a tremendous bang, the clatter of falling shelves and a moan of pain. Newt glanced at me, and we both ran into the shed.

That was the moment I died. Alby was clutching his head, his cheeks red and his jaw clenched shut. Around him stood all the builders, wicked smiles and baseball bats on them.
"What the bloodyhell is going on?" Newt demanded. I wanted to cry to him to shut up, my lip was quivering, going dry.

"We're just fixing the pecking order dear simple Newt." My heart fell, James laughed at him self as he threw his arm round my shoulders. "All thanks to this amazing girl."

I could have sworn Newt's eyes flashed red. His mouth twitched in anger, but he was lost for words.

Hatred pulled that knife deep across Love's throat. His delicate body crumpled at her feet, his sweet liquid pouring out into the ground for the grass to devour. She stepped over him like he was nothing but dirt. Her long black gown soaking in the victims blood. She placed a hand on Newt's shoulder, her long nails digging into his collarbone. She kissed his cheek and he was hers. Not mine.

James had been talking, arguing with the defeated Alby and his loyal friend. "Take them to the slammer and anyone who tries to stop you."

The boys picked them off the ground binding their hands. They brought Newt right close to me so his face was inches from mine.

"Bow to your new leader Newt." James laughed.

"Newt." I tremor.

He shook his head and spat on me. He could never love me ever again, I had betrayed him, he had broken me. Now we would just be my fantasy. Gally heaved him off out of the shed for the whole glade to witness his defeat. I felt lost, wounded. I wanted to die. One small tear washed away Newt's spit.

James smiled and wiped the remaining spit off my face. "Beautiful y/n, don't look so down, today is out victory day." He was happy, how could he be happy?

Snap. "What?" I turn on him, my mind no longer stuck in the pit of confusion

"Your going to be my queen as we rule this green kingdom of ours." He took my hand in his.

I pushed him away. "What have you done?" I gasped.

"I did this for you." He grabbed my waist pulling me close to him, his lips going for mine.

I screamed struggling against him till he let me go. My mind was a whirl, nothing was right. "No, I never asked for this!" I turned from him and ran so he couldn't catch me again.

The glade was chaos, so many gladers were trying to fight the builders. All failing. Minho lay broken on the ground as another bat attacked his back, he arched and groaned. Winston, Frypan, Adam, Ben, Sam, baggers, sloppers, cooks, slicers and poor sweet Chuck. All fought.

"Newt!" I screamed, my lungs bursting as I sprinted towards them. I tried to fight Gally off of him, he casted me aside like a broken hammer. I hit his chest, his back, his legs and still he continued on with Newt towards the slammer. Through the tears I watched them chain him up.

Minho was trying to get to his feet, love for his friends coursing through him. But love was dead. Only hatred now. I ran to him.

"Minho, please you have to help me." I cried pulling on his arm. There she was, Hatred, her plump lips kissing his ear filling him with ideas and lies.
Minho turned on me, his eyes ablaze, his hands slamming my shoulders on the ground. Each hit like a blow of reality. This is why Newt attacked James. I had been tricked. Used in a way I never thought I would be. The cold, sweaty skin clamps on my throat. Please... Please...please.. My eyes begged of him. Nevertheless Hatred drove him on and on. Then is blooded hair merged with his tanned skin, his skin and clothes all a blur. My lungs an empty coffin, as everything went black.

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