Two - Flabbergasted

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"We want you to go out with Cameron Evans," Kimberly repeats. 

"But...but why? Why would you want me to go out with a guy like him?" I ask. 

"It's not like you're actually gonna fall in love!" she replies.

"Yeah, it's revenge. All you gotta do is charm him. He'll fall for you, then a few days later, maybe like a week of dating, you dump him like trash," Megan says as if it's the simplest thing on earth. 

 "It's simple, don't worry," Kimberly smiles. "Just a makeover, some flirting tips, and some Cameron Evans facts, and you can go back to your book world, kay?" 

Okay, maybe this'll be easy. I mean how hard can it be? I'll just have a change in style, some advice, and some facts about Cameron. Then I'll charm him then dump him. Sounds easy enough. I just hope I don't mess things up. Even if I do, I hope it won't end as badly. 

Megan and Kimberly both look at my hair and face, thinking what they're going to change. Suddenly, Kimberly smiles and touches my hair. She takes off the hair tie and starts braiding. She doesn't tie it yet, but she gives it a look. Then, she shakes her head and undos the braid. She looks at Megan, hoping to get another idea of a hairstyle. Megan smiles.

"Let's just keep her hair down. It's already good. Just make it a little wavy instead of keeping it straight," she tells Kimberly.

Kimberly nods and takes out a curling iron. 

"Don't make it too curly. We don't want her to have frizzy hair. Cameron hates frizzy hair," says Megan.

Kimberly starts to do my hair, and after a few minutes, my hair feels warm, and it looks nice. I smile in the mirror as Megan and Kimberly admire my hair. 

"Now for the face. A little bit of makeup should be good. Maybe just lipgloss and blush or something," Kimberly suggests.

"Yeah, good idea. Cameron's biggest turn off is cake faced girls. And that's surprising since he's popular," Megan replies.

Megan grabs a pink lipgloss standing on Kimberly's makeup table. Kimberly moves the chair so I'm facing Megan. Megan starts to put the lipgloss on my lips, and after a few seconds, she stops and smiles at her work. Then, she takes out some blush. She takes the brush and chooses the brownish color. I feel the funny feeling of the brush on my left cheek. She moves to my right one, and then she stops. She turns the chair to make me face the mirror, and there I am. Even with just a little bit of makeup, I look nice. I give them a smile through the mirror.

"I like it," I tell them. "But what do I do when my mom sees me like this? She'll think I've changed and that I like to party all night like in the movies. I can't let her see me like this."

"Don't worry. We've got that covered. We had a feeling you'd wanna hide this from your mom," kimberly says.

"So, you're gonna have to leave early for school, looking like your normal self. Then, you go to the bathroom and change," Megan explains. 

"But what about the makeup and curling iron?" I ask.

"It's yours now. Trust me. I can afford another curling iron and some blush. It's not that expensive ya know," Kimberly chuckles.

"Okay then," I reply.

They hand me a wipe to take off the makeup. For the hair, I'll just tie it and hope my mom won't notice that it's not straight. I stand up and take my backpack.

"Thanks," I smile.

"No problem," Megan replies as Kimberly hands me the curling iron and the blush. 

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