3 Methods For Being A Good Girlfriend

Start from the beginning


Be yourself. Don't create a fake you just to impress him. It might be tempting if you think he'd prefer a different type of girl but usually this is just cobbling together snippets of things said or suggested and you're likely to be wrong. After all, he wants to date you, not some imagined form of perfection. And if you really feel tempted to change things about yourself because he insists that you'd be better thinner, taller, prettier, quieter, whatever, then it's a good indication that you're not compatible.

·         If he actually says such things to you in a badgering, persistent manner, then it is not love, but an attempt to control you.

·         Don't pretend that you share his interests if you don't. It might be amusing or "safe" to do so initially but it's extremely hurtful when he learns that you don't really love what he loves; he could be basing his thoughts about your role in his future on something that isn't real and it'll end up hurting both of you.

Method 2 of 3: Be Supportive


Take an interest in his interests. Remember what he likes to do and what he likes to talk about. You don't have to act like you love his hobbies, but at least try to understand why he's such a fan. If he loves a band, try to understand why. If he just loves to be playful and immature, remember that it might just be his way of releasing stress. In learning to accept his unique way of being, you'll also be learning more about yourself and ultimately whether you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person.

·         You don't have to take an interest in all of his interests. If he loves watching baseball but you just can't get into it, that's fine, too.

·         Just asking about his interests and talking about the things that matter to him can be enough.


Learn to work as a team. As in any healthy relationship, you'll experience your share of conflicts, some tiny, some big. Remember to be true to yourself and try to abandon any significant selfishness. A relationship is a matter of teamwork and a symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic one, where a party gives and the other one just takes without giving enough back. In a team, you have each other's back, you don't undermine one another and you openly cherish each other in front of others.

·         In times of hardship, a team approach can help you to work through problems in a less emotionally attached way, in that both of you assume responsibilities for fixing things rather than expecting one or the other to fix things.

·         Avoid having a "one track" relationship in which the bond revolves around one thing. Keep your relationship strong by bringing variety and diversity into the relationship. Try different and new things together. Relationships are about having fun together, learning together and growing together.

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