//When Zea is now a 1st year highschool//

"Mother, Father. What if they will h-hate me because of... my hair??" Zea ask while playing with her blue hair. "Don't think like that, Zea. Your special" Her mother said, patting Zea's head gently.

"Okay! I'll try my best to be a good girl in school mother!" Zea said, smiling sweetly to her dearest-one and only mother. Zea's mother giggle, she kiss her daughter's right cheeck. "Mother, im not a kid anymore" Zea pouted. Zea's mother chuckle and she gently pinch her daughter's left cheeck. "Your still a baby in our eyes, Zea. And you're already a good girl" she said sweetly to her daughter.

"Zea, are you ready?" Zea's father ask, peeking at their door. Zea nodded "Yes, father! Im all ready to go to school!" Zea said happily while grabing her small Pink bag. "Okay then. shall we go now my little princess?~" He teased his little daughter. "Okay!~ but father, please stop calling me a princess. Im not a princess." Zea said while puffing her cheecks.

"Okay, okay~. Lets go now, Zea. Or else you will be late at your first day of school as a highschool student!" He said happily. Then Zea hug her mother. "Bye, mother. I have to go" Zea said while breaking the hug. Her mother nodded.

"Okay, but remember, dont talk to the stangers and if they bullied you-..me and your father will talk to the bullies who bullied you, 'kay?" Her mother said sweetly and smiling creepily while there's an aura sorrounded her small body.

"Okay, mother. Bye!~" Zea said while waving to her mother then Zea go to their car.

//At the school//

Zea's father park his car in the front of the school gate. He look to his daughter with a brightly smile. "Take care of yourself, okay?" Zea's father said with a worried tune. Zea get off of the car and look at her father. She nodded, "i will, Father. And good luck to you work-...Oh, and dont force yourself and if you're not feeling okay, you can go home so it will not become worst, okay father?" Zea said while smiling.

Her father chuckle, "okay, Zea. Bye" he said then he starting to drive. Zea, sighs. Then she walk to go to her new classroom. While she was walking.

The students around her keep whispering something like:

"Why is her hair looks different? And its so weird"

"She looks so beautiful,.. but her hair is kinda.. strange?"

"Whats with that sky blue hair thing?"

"Hey (RandomGirlName) go ask her about her hair!"

"Huh?why me?"

"Just do it!"

The brown hair girl came closer to me. "*sighs* fine" she whispered to her friends. Then she look at Zea. "Hey, you, why's your hair is different? Did you colored it? You know the rules right? That coloring your hair are not aloud here" she said, feeling uneasy. "Umm... i didnt colored my hair. this is my... natural hair color-" Zea said calmly trying to ignore her gaze to her.

"That's your natural hair color?! Seriously?!" She said, almost a shout. Earning the other students attention to stop what their doing and focuse their gazes to Zea and to her. "I am seriouse, you don't believe me?" Zea said calmly while keeping her poker face.

"Your a weirdo! Why would such a weird student like you doing here?!" She shouted at Zea's face while the other students are laughing at her. Then Zea's Left eyebrows twitch.

'Great, their bulliying at me again. Why is that every school i go are always like this? Their always making fun at me! Am i that weird or strange?! Why? Why?! Why cant they listen to me?! I try and try to make them believe me! But they didnt even listen! Did i do something wrong to them?! Do i not belong here?! ... am i just.. an unordinary girl?!' Zea thought while clenching her fist.

"Go away!" The other student shouted at Zea, angrily.

Then the other student joined at shouting ."Go away! GO AWAY!! YOU DONT BELONG HERE!! YOUR JUST NOTHING IN THIS WORLD!! YOUR A FAILURE!! YOUR A FAILURE!! A LOSER!! A LOSER!!" They all shouted at Zea angrily. Then Zea glared at them while tears are slowly flowing into her eyes and sliding down to her cheecks and then to her chin.

"BUT I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?! Why?! WHY CAN'T YOU LISTEN?! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!-" Zea shouted back at them angrily while crying before she run off.

Inspired by Our role play

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