rules/before you read (0)

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1.) do not send me fake proof. ever. that shit is annoying, and i will do quite a bit of research before posting your submissions.

2.) if you're here, don't be rude. your comment will be deleted without notice if i find it offensive towards others.

3.) just don't be a dick in general.

4.) for your safety, do not show your eyes (unless you have biokinesis) while showing your whole face. honestly, this is a given. try to refrain from showing your face in submissions. blocking out your eyes, when showing your whole face, will help seal your identity.

5.) on the topic of safety, do not give away your location. usually, if your submission shows the outside (unless it's secluded), it may have a chance of giving your location away.

6.) vote! each 10 votes, if i have proof, i'll post it.


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