Natalia Robinson

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Face Claim: Christy Altomare

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Face Claim: Christy Altomare

Age: 19

Personality: Natalia is just very tired. Even though she loves adventuring she's done enough already to last her a lifetime. She's been around some pretty bad people but that doesn't stop her from being able to stand up for herself and others. Natalia can also seem emotionally distant and cruelly honestly at times. However, she will be loud and also tends to be the voice of reason in ridiculous situations. Just don't call her the mom friend, though. She doesn't like feeling old.

Sexuality: Painfully Bi

Likes: •boxing (her dad owns a ring) •small adventures •being able to relax •being loved •the color yellow •feeling safe

Dislikes: •people not taking her seriously •cats even though she has one •her long string of exes •having to yell

Backstory: Natalia has a good and loving family. They work hard at her father's ring but she tends to get in trouble unintentionally. Especially since she sometimes got involved with the wrong people (cute guys and girls). With all the mistakes she's made Natalia has learned from them. She hopes to one day become a doctor despite knowing she can't pay for medical school.

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