Constance Rivera

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Face Claim: Sofia Carson

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Face Claim: Sofia Carson

Age: 17

Personality: Constance is not easily emotionally attached to people but is extremely careful about her reputation. She's rather mature, or at least likes to believe she is for her age, and is actually a very introverted person in the way she thinks. Constance also is incredibly stubborn and independent so she sometimes has a hard time listening to other people's opinions.

Sexuality: Demisexual

Likes: •making her own outfits •aesthetically pleasing things •soft and calming music •reading •makeup •attention •cats •operas •playing the piano

Dislikes: •her mother •silence (it makes her anxious) •the color green •sleeveless shirts/dresses •most sugary things (she prefers sour stuff) •alcohol

Backstory: Constance's mother was a lower class country girl while her father was a high class businessman. The two fell in love but her mother was never truly accepted by her father's family and colleagues. When Constance was born that immediately made her the black sheep of the family. She always worked for her father's approval which she never truly received. Her mother neglected Constance and never truly got over the culture shock and alienation enough to spend genuine time with her daughter. This caused Constance to resent her mother and now she's convinced that the only way to truly get her 'revenge' is to force herself into a better life and one that her mother will never have.

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