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"hi again mom!" "I thought about it and..." She stays silent for a short moment "aaand...?" "I'll let you stay in his house!" "Yaaay, thanks mom! I love you so much, seriously, I really tank you!" I scream "I know you will be careful and everything, I trust you, and you deserve this. Bye honey, I have to go to the supermarket, bye!" "Bye mom!". This day is definetly the happiest day I have ever had.

I call Grazi again "hi Grazi, my mom let me stay in Shawn's house!" "Oh my God, my mom let me too!" We both scream of happiness "there's no cooler vacation than that one on earth, I'm sure" "exactly! It's a perfect combination with your bestfriend and favorite singer!" We laugh "It's already 10 pm, I have to sleep because Shawn asked me to go to the beach and lunch with me" "ok miss I-have-a-meeting-with-Shawn, sleep well" "sleep well too miss Jealous"

I'm too tired, so I only brush my teeth, put the alarm to 9:30 am and go to bed.

I wake up. The day isn't as beautiful as yesterday, but I still can go to the beach. I was so excited, that I couldn't even eat, so, I only left the house "Bye Grandma!" "Wouldn't you like to eat something? Some yogurt?" "No thanks Granny, I'm not hungry" "Bye sweetie, have fun!" "I forgot to warn you, today I'm lunching out ok?" "Ok, no problem"

I arrive at the beach and see him "Hey Sarah!" he says "Hey Shawn, how are you?" "I'm fine, thanks. And you?" "Yeah, I'm great" "let's choose a place there on the sand. It's great today because there's not a lot of people, so we have a ton of space" "sure, what about that place there?" I point at the place "yes, perfect" we take our things to the empty place on the sand "do you want some help to take your things?" he asks "no, thank you", I answer.

We put the sun umbrella and the towels on the sand. We sit on the towels and start to talk. "Shawn, I have news: my mom let me stay in your house!" "That's amazing! I promise we'll do tons of things, like, I'll start by making a tour through Toronto, show you all my favorite and special places. We're going to have a lot of fun together" "I'm extremely excited for this".

A couple of girls come in our direction, and we hear the most common sentence that could ever be heard around him: can I take a picture with you?

For some reason, I just felt something different with him. I felt jealous about those girls being to close to him. I just feel that when I really like a guy.

I'm that kind of girl that has a crush, but he never likes her back. I've never had sex with someone. Yeah, I'm 20, and still, no sex. That's not because I'm waiting for the marriage or something like this, but, I think I'm too shy for those kind of things. I'm always trying to find someone special, but never did. Of course this person isn't going to be Shawn, just because, he's Shawn. He's extremely sweet, and kind, but still, he's a pop star, never going to happen.

After a long conversation, we decide to go take a bath before going to the restaurant. Of course he's going to his hotel, and I'm going to my grandma's. We agree to meet each other in front of Shawn's hotel, at 14 pm.

"See you soon! Actually, really soon", he says "yeah, really soon, bye" I say back. I have a little bit long way to go untill there. I get lost in my thoughts, thinking about that beautiful smile. Just keep thinking about him. Now I know I have a new crush in my life. But, would this work? Like, I would just suffer about this, overthinking about if he likes me or not. Getting jealous just because an another girl gets too close to him. But this suffering for me, is worth. Is worth, because I fill myself of hope that one day I could finally be happy with someone. I always was that type of girl that didn't have good experiences with boys. Plus, I have anxiety problems. This is a thing that if I think about it too much, I get destroyed by thinking when I'm going to have an another attack. I think that if someday I felt really loved by some guy, I would forget about it. It would be like a treatment for me.

When I go back to real life, I'm already going into my grandma's apartment. I take a shower, and make sure that I look my best, since I'm going to meet my crush now. I put some make up on, just a little bit, because I like it more natural. Put my favorite dress on, with a pair of sandals. My grandma isn't home, she's probably in the super market, but I send a message to her, just to let her know that I'm out again.

I get my car and drive to the entrance of the hotel, and see Shawn there.

Meeting Shawn MendesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin