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Guess what today is for me

well me and bf

ah its our 2 month

he's amazing

today was cool

other then my fight with my parents

yah yah i'm a stubborn ass

i didn't have school whoop whoop

painted my nails a million times

again and again

bc its kept messing up

and chipping

and i didn't like the color or design i did cx

hehe perfectionist right here

i went to my friend's house

worked on our project thing

its going to state..err so yah

yah call us geeks e.e

we prank called ppl

we were tricked by this 9 yr old omfg

we went shopping ahh

i was freaking out when my guy friend was biking and texting e.e

i didn't want him to crash like me -.-

what are you doing xavier

missing you like bleh

nothing's the same when you aren't here

where's the snarky comments about medium fry

where's the smile

ahh xc

come back soon


gotta get ready

yay another cram session

got tests all this week xc

well yah

nothing really cool

i love you

- Small Fry

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