
17 1 0

Cuz I'm happy

Blah blah blah whatever the rest of the song is

Like happiness is to u

Haha aloha

Ugh I have so many bruises xc

I'm the clumsiest person ever

Ew I went biking today and I saw a dead bunny with flies all over it xc

I feel bad

Poor bunny xc

I went shopping today too

Jessica [my Lil sis] pointed out that girls can have mustaches

She pointed to this chick and I laughed so hard everyone was staring at me

I also laughed at like everything idk y tho

I was squealing when I saw the new one direction perfume

It smells amazing


Idk if I can eat meat now after seeing the movie Noah

It was horrifically horrific

So much gore

I hope the base camp thing training thing idk what's it called but I hope it's not scary or hard or whatever

Be safe

Did u smile today

U better or else idk

Ugh I have the crappiest homework ever


Nothing else really happened today

What do u do over there?

Tell me all about it when u talk to me again.

Haha lets have a one on one talk I love those

Jk idrk

This one is so short but I love u big fry

U know that already

Just felt like repeating it again


Still need my smart water xc what does it taste likeeee

- Small Fry

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