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Hey big fry

today's a bit better from yesterday


a lot better

i'm glad

i hope yours is too

always thinking of you

my one and only hero i look up to

i can't wait to talk to you again soon

today lets just say well

i smiled a lot

i'm smiling right now


i'm glad i have ppl who know how to make me happy

they make me feel lighter and that nothing is weighing me down

all the sadness and shit

i'll be ok

dyl taught me how to roller skate

he so distracted me

i was scared i was going to fall again

he's amazing

perfect too


i found my superman :o

i'm wonderwoman omf

big fry i missed it xc

i'm so upset

i missed the lunar eclipse 

i set my alarm to 1am

and woke up

but decided to close my eyes for minute and missed it

the next one isn't until 2019

i'm upset about that


and i was also very scared at like 1am

aspen sent me a pic of chucky


i was about to piss my pants

i thought he was coming after me

he's scary

you woulda prolly laughed at how silly i was being

all scared and whatnot

today at school was cool

hey that rhymed

-twirls around you-


ugh i want the weekend here already

i get friday and monday off

whoop whoop

medium fry misses u

he loves u

all u need to do is love him back

like seriously 

do you not like dogies big fry xc

be nice pwease

I love you.

oh so much.

to infinity and beyond.

to the moon and back.

forever and always.

to the death of me.

ugh this one girl.

i don't like her.

left me.

prolly forgot about me.

manipulates ppl

feels like it; thats what i think

i don't want her near my friends but its like shes trying to ruin my life

without knowing it.

wish it stopped

wish she knew how much she hurt me

wish she cared

wish it was like back then

but ofc. she'll never know

she's too happy in that little perfect bubble of hers

thinking she's the shit

having everyone on her side.

well; life happens right?

gotta move on

i aint' about holding grudges 

i ain't about that life

oops :)

i'm such a drama queen aren't i

sorry if i am xc

how do you even stand me?



amazing bro.

everyone's jealous

they should be

they don't know what they are missing out on

be safe

love you

- Small Fry

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