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Big fryyyyy

eep idk why but i'm happy

today was happy

i'm happy

everyone is happy

at least i hope so

but eep :)

forgot how it felt for awhile bahaha

made a new frann

his name is dylan

ew he'll be reading this prolly

adventure time = bleh cx

even though i've never watched it

i'm his captive xc nooo

save mee

maybe i'll let medium fry attack him

would you approve? c:

he's a meanie; he made me wet

o.o...that sounded weird lemme rephrase

he threw me in the water cx


at school was swell

hey in gym i didn't actually suck

i blocked some of the shots by the hockey puck thingies on the ground when i was goalie cx

guys i swear at school are -.-

ummmmm what else

oh yah dyl owes me a teddy ღ

eep i love teddy bears -squeals-

ring around the rosie

pocket full of posies

ashes ashes

we all fall down

idk why i just sang that cx


why am i acting unlike myself cx

hi i'm xavier and i'm big and tough and i'm serious and manly and cool yo

i hate medium fry but love tiffany with all my heart bc i can yo

so peace out homies yo

^^^ my attempt to be a guy/you cx

i'm laughing now cx

omfg this movie in spanish class is sad 

i was on the verge of crying in class

hope your day has gone well

smile smile smile

no frowns allowed k?

bc thats illegal cx

says po po tiffany

yah thats right i'm a police person woman lady girl

yah be scared



i sound like i'm high huh

well imma wrap up boo thang

and yup i'm definitally loco c;

slow down

grab the wall

wiggle like yo trying to make your ass fall off

hella thick imma smash em all now

speed up

gas pedal

gas pedal

 cx don't ask why i sang that either

ily ღ

- Small fry 

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