Affairs and Orders (Yu Yu Hakusho) (Hiei x OC)

Start from the beginning


She did not return that night. No, she stayed out in the storm, in the pouring rain, the torrential wind, the stark chill of the mountain. She remained in a wet tree, with angry looking leaves, being stung by nettles and nearly falling off the branch. She was distraught, and did not sleep. She damned him, damned everything that was him.

She damned herself for ever falling in love with a fire beast. He was uncaring, so many had warned her. He was rough, a loner, forever pushing people away from him. He had no room in his stone cold heart for females other than his kindly sister.

He had no room in his stone cold for her.


The next morning she did not return. She had fallen into a fitful sleep at some point during the night, and remained in that tree, shivering and severely fevered. The sky remained gloomy, the air remained damp, and she remained in that tree.

It wasn't until the gloomy afternoon sun cast its cloud-thickened gaze onto the field that she awoke, sore and feeling terrible. She had not intended to stay out that late; but neither had she intended on returning to Hiei like a groveling dog.

Eventually gathering the strength to drop down from the high branch, she began trudging back to the house. It was a long walk up, and a longer one down, to the mansion, but she did not even have the strength to summon her illustrious black wings. She hardly had the strength to walk.

It wasn't long before her fever became worse from the exertion. She began to hallucinate; in fact, she knew it was a hallucination. Hiei was standing a short distance from her, looking somber as ever, holding his hand toward her in a kind gesture to help her out of the rain. But Hiei didn't care. He wouldn't be there for her, except perhaps to watch her fail yet again. To watch what was spurned of his own cruelty.

Saria could feel herself falling forward, knew she was nearing a dangerous point in her health, but did not take heed; all she noticed was her hallucination shout her name in alarm as she let herself drift into oblivion with a soft smile, tears streaking across burning flesh.


Saria awoke in a cool room, surrounded by the soft sounds of rippling water. She still felt ill, but was no longer on the verge-or precipice, as it had been-of collapse. Her body no longer ached, and her head was clear.

Too clear.

She remembered the small fight with Hiei, as it had been indeed small. Small, in the way an insect's life is small to a human. Small in the way a human's musings are small to a mutt of a dog. He had not cared a wit; she had cared far too much. He was the superior being; she was the lowlife.

She slowly opened bleary, stark crimson eyes, and merely stared at the high vaulted ceiling. It looked to be crafted of stone rather than brick. She must be in the wolf's room. Who else would have helped to heal her, at any rate?

Her abdomen felt cold to the touch, she noted, rubbing at it gently. It was likely one of the ice demons to heal her; Yukina was the only choice. But being kith and kin of Hiei, Yukina surely would have an inherent hatred for her growing in her pretty little heart. Even if she still did not know, they were siblings. And siblings take after one another, however much as they often try to forget it. So why would she have bothered?

She sat up gingerly, realizing that her wings were unfurled and hanging limply at her sides. The heavily muscled things seemed frail in the ambient light, limp that they were; a reflection of how she felt. There was no physical damage of course; her body was healed properly. It was the spirit that took the most damage.

The ice demon was nowhere to be found so Saria stood, finding her feet with the same familiar ease that always came. And, quite simply, she curled her wings around her body, and left.

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