It Takes a Little Moonlight (JeanMarco)

Start from the beginning

And then that was it. The next morning when party stragglers were clearing out before they got roped into cleaning up, Jean and Marco stayed as always to help Eren tidy everything up without Mikasa and... Nothing. Not even awkwardness on Marco's part. Just... A whole lot of fuck all. So Jean had done the only thing he found to be rational: he acted like nothing happened. The brunette probably didn't remember because face it, black-out drunkenness wasn't all that mythical last night, and it was better if he didn't recall Jean's completely shitfaced confession of... Whatever it was he felt toward him. Better for everyone too if they didn't remember how grossly they probably kissed anyways.

Another sigh and another long drink of that nasty cooler as the blonde's thoughts shifted back into the present momentarily and Jean could feel his lips going a bit numb from the alcohol. Numb was good. Numb from alcohol was even better. He knew what to do with numbness like that. Alcohol dulled the senses and the gag reflex, funny enough. In fact, after realizing Marco must not reciprocate the feelings, he'd stayed around the next day and somehow after four or so shots of Fireball he and Eren found out in a lovely way that his gag reflex was more or less numbed out. It hadn't taken long for a blowjob to transform into full-on fucking and it didn't occur to Jean until later that it was because Mikasa had dumped Eren that night in the basement and Eren too was attempting to numb out on whatever and whomever he could.

Numb was okay right now. Numb was starting to feel like what he desperately needed, alone in a garage with multi-colored lights playing against his eyes and speakers with bass that threatened to cave in his chest cavity. What wasn't okay was that bit of emotion starting to chisel its way through his heart and into his tear ducts. Here he was lying with his ass in a stack of tires at Eren's place, getting ready to help him host a party so the poor kid could try to get over the fact that he and Mikasa were no longer a thing, and he was so far in his own head that he hadn't even gotten to fixing up the snack table like he'd intended. Granted they'd both been drinking quite a bit and it was more than fun at the time, taking pot-shots at each other and occasionally macking on one another, but with Eren in the shower and Jean completely alone, he had too much time to spend in his own damn thoughts and apparently not enough of it to spend setting up a good party. So it was with a start and a bit of a hushed breath that was something akin to a gasp that he noticed Marco walk into the spacious area, smiling sunshine and sweetness as always and already stepping to the beat of the skull shattering bass as he took in the less-messy-than-usual floor space.

It took scant seconds for Marco to spot his friend; when he did, he threw up an excited hand and waved a quick greeting as he walked over. Jean had only moments to try to compose himself and to put a nice firm clamp on the flutter in his stomach and the tightness in his chest in spotting his best friend... Or romantic interest or... whatever he was.

"It's been a while Jean!" Marco bubbled happily, voice raised to a shout over the music and eyes sparkling with exuberance and his pleasant nature. "I'm really glad we can finally hang out again man I missed chilling with you! It's been way too long!"

Jean's world felt like it was going to topple and freeze simultaneously and only some of it had to do with his copious alcohol consumption. Maybe he'd been worrying for nothing after all. Marco said he was excited to see him so why did he think shit had gone weird? Had he been infamously reading into things way too much once again, or had he been the one making shit the way it was or...?

With a mental shake to bring himself to planet You're-At-A-Fucking-Party, Jean slapped one of his boisterous grins onto his numbed out lips and with all the false arrogance of his world drawled back, "Yeah man it's been fuckin ages! Maybe after finals we can do this shit more often! S'been way too damn long since they boys've been able to do somethin' fun like this!"

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