Dear Willow part 1

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*Requested by mrsweliamalfoy*




Thats my name. Willow Riddle. BEFORE YOU JUDGE LET ME EXPLAIN.

I am Willow Riddle. The Great Niece of The One Shall Not Be Named. Its not like hes knows anything about me. No, not even close. But i know so much more about him than i know myself. I am nothing like him. Maybe his old self but not this vile creature hes become.

I live in Colorado. I turn 16 tomorrow. I've been in Colorado since i was in my moms belly. Cute right? I don't know who in there right mind thought it would be okay for my mother to run away. Like honestly what is she truly running from if he knows nothing about her and i. Crazy right? I know a lot but apparently i don't know enough. Shocking. Pardon my sarcasm. It irks me that i'm just finding out i'm being kicked out of Ilvermorny because of who i am. Like I've been in that school for a long ass time and now is when they're kicking me out. I got a letter of withdrawal and then a letter of acceptance from some school in England called, Hogwarts. I swear i'm gonna hate this place.



This place is amazing!!! There's soooo much food, everyone is nice, and i already found a guy that caught my eye. The one really similar thing Ilvermorny and Hogwarts have in common is how they sort kids into houses. I look around the room. Nervous. Everyone and their mother is staring at me.

"Willomina Anne Rid-" she looked at me shocked.

Shit. I look up at the woman dressed in all black. She smiled at me. She reached out her hand to grab mine and I gave her my hand. I sat down on the stool. The hat was placed on my head. I look over to the Slytherin side and smirk at a blonde boy. I look up at the green snake on the green, black and silver banner. I swallowed hard. I couldn't possibly be in Slytherin. I look over to the other side of the room. A golden lion danced on the red and gold banner. Gryffindor. I looked over at a very familiar boy with brown hair covering a scar in the shape of an arrow, no, a lighting strike. He gives me a smile as does the boy next to him with the flaming red hair and freckles and the girl with long brown curly hair. I was dazed. Completely out of it. The hat was speaking to me and I didn't even think twice to respond. I just sat and looked at everyone. I was thinking about my mother. And then my uncle. I shake my head. I think about my mother again but glance at the blonde boy with the light eyes. He looks at me up and down and bites his lip. The hairs on my arm start to rise and I get chills instantly. Who is this guy? I snap back into reality and look at the woman.

"Well dear you can get up now?" I didn't even realize the hat spoke words of a house until I looked over at the table where everyone is wearing royal blue. Ravenclaw. Cool. I smile at her and apologize. I look over at the blonde boy and he looks... sad. I frowned and kept walking and I bumped into something. I looked up. More like someone. I am on the floor.

A blonde girl with piercing blue eyes smiles and sticks out her hand.

"My apologies Willomina."

I smile and giggle as she says my full first name. I take her hand and stand in front of her. I stick out my hand and shake hers.

"Please. It's Willow. Willomina is my great grandmother, may she rest in pieces."

She looked at me strangely.


I looked at her for a second.

"Yea, awfully nasty accident with her wand and a wood chipper. It was not pretty."

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