Memories P1

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Heather//17// Slytherin

2 weeks until my birthday, 4 weeks until graduation and the love of my life is still secretly in love with hermione. How do I know? Because the cute idiot talks in his sleep and most of the time he gets to the common room around 1 or 2 in the morning and sleeps on the couch. I like to get a glass of water and a cookie sometimes around then. It mostly happens when I have a stressful day or I have an argument with my uncle about something irrelevant. My uncle? Severus Snape. Trust me, Im his only niece and he treats me like Im a fragile piece of glass art who happens to be 5 years old EVEN THOUGH IM FUCKING 17. Im just lucky I dont get detentions...


"Heather Graceland Liasara DETENTION!" So I think I spoke a bit too soon.

"You think just because youre my only family you can go off and do some kind of shenanigan and get away with it without a punishment? Well you are very wrong!"

I turned around and Draco walked in chuckling, he was almost 20 minutes late to class.

"Mr. Malfoy, you will also be serving detention with Ms. Liasara"

He looked at me and smirked and turned back around. I wonder what he was up to.


I was laying down in my bed listening to Misery Business by Paramore when my best friend Luna came in.

"I cant believe your own uncle gave you a detention." She scoffed.

"Hes been acting strange lately. Hes been spending a lot of time with Draco. You think he's trying to get us together?"

"I dont know but did you see Draco today he looks extra sexy. Hes wearing an all black suit but he looks amazing."

I rolled my eyes. Luna has had a crush on Draco since our year one ceremony. Crazy right? But he is really gorgeous and popular so I see why. Ive been friends with Luna Copeland for about forever. We have been the best of friends since we were about 4. We met at one of my moms parties. Its also where I met Draco but she left before he arrived. He family was always "fashionably late" for every meeting, party, dinner, etc. When I turned 11 the day I got the letter I went to Lunas house to open mine with her. My parents were home making dinner. When I started walking home I saw a black shadow leave my street and Charcoal colored black smoke close to my house. When I actually got home I realized it wasnt near my house..It was my house. My house was burned down that summer night in the middle of June. When I turned around, I saw Draco crying near the bushes. His face was partially burned and he was completely dirty from head to toe. He had a few things in his hand. I asked him what he was doing at my house and he said that I left something at his house when I went to have dinner with our families and that he was bringing it back before he left for vacation with his parents. He said that when he entered, my parents were crying upstairs in my bedroom, something about hiding from someone mysterious and dark. My mom gave him things for me before the whole house was burning to the ground. My parents didnt make it but Draco crawled out through the back door. After he told me everything, we hugged and I sat next to him. I cried for hours in his arms. And that was only at 11 years old. I also failed to tell anyone that he was my first kiss. My grey cat Charlie jumped out of the bushes and onto my lap. He was the only thing I had left. Draco handed me a letter, an enchanted necklace, a music box with a picture of my parents and all my mothers jewlery, and my favorite teddy bear. He invited me to stay at his place and I gladly accepted. Narcissa and Lucius were strange but no stranger than Bellatrix. They all treated me like part of the family. I was an honorary Malfoy. I went on vacation with them. We all went to rome and had the best time. I remember a fountain in Athens with a goddess on it. I still have a picture of it with me and Draco standing in front of it. His parents went to make reservations at this really nice restaurant and left me and Draco outside. We spoke about the past and about my parents it felt like a good hour but it was only 10 minutes. Speaking about my parents was hard for me. I didnt even get to tell them that I actually got accepted to Hogwarts, but I know they wouldve been really proud of me. I started to cry but Draco told me that I was going to be ok if I stuck with him. He smiled at me and I think that was the only time hes ever smiled at me. He wiped my tear away and we just looked at each other for a second before he smirked and made me smiled. He held my cheek. I remember his every word, "Dont cry, I know youre really sad but your parents would tell you to keep smiling because you have a beautiful smile." And thats when he kissed me. 

"Hellllooooooo.... Earth to Heather"

"Oh sorry, Just thinking about some memories"

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