Chapter 10: Home?

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I couldn't think of anywhere or anyone I just knew I had to get out of there before I died the last thing I saw before blinking out of there was the other black metal crashing into more metal and a blinding bright white light. and the last thing I heard was the screams of my teammates mixed together into one single voice screaming my name.

(Reg pov)

The jets collided, the next thing they saw was a giant ball of grey and black metal mixed with the white, red and yellow flames along with the grey smoak. At first the Avengers were too shocked to do anything. As soon as the feeling finally wore off there were two high pitched sounds emitted from Gabi and Wanda. As these two screamed for the loss of their friend their powers were released killing every robot on the floating island country. Yet even so one bot still seemed to get to the core making the island shake and become claimed by gravity. This kicked the Avengers into action as they finished getting everyone off including themselves Tony made the island explode.

Everyone was saved well almost everyone, and the Helicarrier was off. Tony soon joined the rest of the Avengers in the room with Nick Fury. No one had said a word but you could feel the sadness guilt loss and anger, thick in the air. They couldn't bring themselves to say anything Maria had been with all of them for so long even if they knew very little about her she worked her way into their hearts.

"Explain right now why Maria is not here." Nick says breaking the silence.

"She sacrificed herself saving Gabi who was trying to protect Speedy who was protecting me and a kid." Clint answered him.

"Gabrielle, vhat did you mean vhen you told Maria "this was not the plan." " Pietro asked sitting in front of the girl leaning against the wall with her legs pulled to her chest and her head on her knees.

"I'm sorry Pietro, the plan was to make sure you didn't die, that no one died."

"You knew I vas going to die?"

"Yes it was the one thing we couldn't let happen."

"That's vhy she was crying?"

"Yes she couldn't see you die, I couldn't see you die"

"You have a lot of explaining to do Shego." Tony comments.

"I-I can't you guys should know that."

"Tony leave her be, she told us what she could we are all morning" Steve says sitting next to Gabi and pulling her into his arms.

"No I'm not going to leave her be, she left out that one of us is going to die."

"That is a big thing to tell, they interfered and look where it got them got us Maria is gone so it was right for them to leave it out." Steve argues

They continue to argue about it Steve trying not to give anything away about how he knows the world as well. All Gabi could think about was if Maria would want her to tell them what was up. After about 10 minutes of the guys arguing both Gabi and Wanda were fed up with them and they were trying to figure out if they should explain why the Maria and Gabi were always so cryptic.

"Enough already you two we are all in pain and you arguing is not going to help." Wanda screams.

"She's right this is not going to bring Maria back" Clint comments

"I can't believe I lost her again" Fury mumbles. "We are going to have a debriefing as soon as we get back to New york but for now I don't want to hear a thing from any from you."

Everyone just nods and sits there in their own little world not wanting to believe that she was gone the all knew her in different ways but they still all lost someone close to them.

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