Mean Girls

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Hey guys this chapters song is Bad Reputation by Shawn Mendes.

Only Ethan's POV guys yas.

Xxoo, your least favorite author aka Kenzie.

**Ethan's POV**

I see Alex walking past me in the halls Thursday morning I want to talk to her but I have a reputation and she would ruin that. I know I'm so self centered and cocky that I don't want a beautiful girl ruining me bad reputation. I walk down the halls with Grayson by my side talking gibberish. I'm watching Alex as the plastics of our school, Khloe Gresh, Cat Roberts, and the worst of all, the queen bee, Gabbie Isabelle taunt her.

Knowing Alex's past in self harm and bullies I couldn't leave her to rot, fuck my rep. I'm going through scenarios in my head of what I should say and how it would turn out.

They went like this,

'Hey! What are you doing? Alex are you okay?'

'Awe bad boy gone good for a slut how funny right girls.' Gabbie would say.

Okay no not good another.

'Whats up Gab. Hey Alex, you good? '

'Heyyyyy Ethan haha. Your so funny.'

No she wouldn't get the message.

I decide I'm just going to wing it. I slowly walk away from the still talking Gray and try to listen to their taunting as Gabbie speaks up in the silence.

"Why are you even here? You don't belong here go back to your trash can, whore." I was about to speak but was cut off by Alex speaking loudly back.

"Your calling me a whore? Ha your the one that fucks anything with a working dick and balls honey. Plus I don't live in trash you must be talking about yourself." That's my strong girl. Go Alex. I finally speak up.

"Shes right you know, you are a whore and I've been to your house tsk tsk trash." I say standing up for Alex.

"Ugh", she shrieks, "My house is not trash."

"Oh so your admitting your a whore because you didn't deny anything." Alex says.

"Ugh," She shrieks, "let's go girls. "

Alex bursts out laughing and I join her both dying of laughter.

"T-thank-k y-you f-for t-that." Alex says deep in laughter.

"No p-problem." I say as I chuckle slightly.

The laughter dies and the late bell rings and Alex bolts to class. I have free period so I just walk to the library and play games on my phone awaiting for the bell to ring.


The bell rings loudly in the silence of the library. And I quickly stand clicking my iPhone screen off with the pad of my thumb.

As I walk out of the library people already filled the halls with loud laughter and screams.

My high school was exactly like mean girls only with different names. At lunch there are tables for each set of groups. The white Asian nerds. Jocks. Math geeks. The coolest people in school (I would say Alex, Cal and Steven her friends. Steven was gay.). The plastics. Everywhere people sat judging you by your every move.

I made my way to my table we were the popular bad boys. The table consists of me, Gray, Taylor, Matt, Nash, The freshman Hayes, Jack Johnson, and Jack Gilinsky. Cameron graduated 2 years ago.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit in my basically assigned seat.

"Hey E." They all said in unison.

"What are you up too? " I ask trying to follow all of their glances when my eyes fall on Alex. I stiffen as anger boils inside me. "No! Dudes she's off limits!" I say before they can make a move. I glance at Grayson in anger and he shrugs as if he didnt know id beat his ass. 

"Oh come on dude!! She's hot and doesn't know how the school works yet. It's the perfect opportunity!!" Taylor said with a slightly annoyed voice.

"No means fucking no!! Alex doesn't deserve that, asshole!!" I say louder than intended.

"You are just like us you have the same intentions!! Fuck her and then leave like always!!!" He said louder.

"I would never hurt her." I say bearly above a whisper.

"Yes you would Ethan stop lying. Stop trying to convince yourself!! "

"Taylor!! I'm not fucking lying I would never hurt Alex!!!" I said nearly as a scream and stand up in frustration I was about to leave but was interrupted with dead silence and someones icy stare piercing my back. I turn around to see Alex and her friends looking at me like they'd seen a ghost. I smiled with embarrassment at them. Alex smiled back. Just with that my anger settled down drastically. But being me I still left the cafeteria ready to punch something.

I heard someone's footsteps behind me but knowing who it was I decide not to even look. I instead walk fast to my locker down the hall. The footsteps quickened in a desperate flee to get to me. I turned to my locker and punched my fist into the metal hard. Pain shot through my arm. I retreat my arm quickly and looked at the blood dripping and bruises already appearing on the bumps of my knuckles.

"Oh my god Ethan, " She whispered behind me. I took a deep breath and turned at her smiling as I couldn't fight the urge her voice was just music to my ears. Without her voice it's like the world around me stops and the clock ticks five times slower. Without the simple noise it would be so deafening.

"Are you okay? " Alex asked as if I meant the world to her. Maybe you do. I thought. I resist the urge to scoff at my thought. Never will I ever mean the world to a girl as perfect as Alex it simply was impossible in my eyes.

"I'm okay," I finally replied but it was bearly able to be heard by myself let alone her.



"Perhaps Okay will be our always." She mimicked The fault in our stars as if she watched it a million times.  Lowering her voice perfectly to match Augustus Waters' voice as if she was him. I chuckle at her quote and grinned at her.

"Let's get you bandaged up." She said and I nodded following her down the twisty halls of school.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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