Pacific Ville High

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Still not too sure about this book lol! ive let my friend read it and she loves it so far. soo i hope you guys like it! i know its really different from my other book but hey oh well!

xoxo, anonymously_yours1

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Being the new girl isn't fun. I had dropped out of highschool my freshman year and started online school. My grandpa wanted me around more often so I could do shit for him  and be there whenever he thought i needed to be beaten. But I am now a junior.

I walked down the boring halls of the new school, Pacific Ville High. I knew absolutely no one here. So far I've received a hand full a comments about my 'beauty' and 'hotness'. I will admit I was some what gorgeous. I know what your thinking, no I'm not conceded. But I will admit what's true. 

I finally found my way to my tiny locker. It took me about five times before I actually got the damn thing open. I shoved my books in there not bothering to carry them around. I slammed the locker shut only to be greeted by a excited looking girl.

She had blonde locks that fell just below her shoulders. Her eyes were a sea green, and she wore an amazingly annoying smile on her preppy, scrunched up face.

"Hi! I'm Madison I'm a sophomore here at this school! You must be the new girl right? Is it Sabrina? No wait its Sam! No that's not right either.." She continued babbling on random names that weren't mine. The first thought that came to my mind was how could I kill her? Could I cut off all her limbs one by one and let her watch? Or could I keep her in a warehouse for days upon days until she's too weak to even scream, to weak to even look me in the eyes, then find her mother and father and kill them right before her very eyes. Then I would put a tire over her head and set it on fire while she smells, and feels her pretty little face burning off and popping like popcorn.

"Skye. It's Skye." I said as emotionless as possible. Its not everyday you get a serial killer at your high school.

"Well don't I just feel as stupid as a dog chasing its tail! Nice to meet you Skye!"

"Yeah I  got some where to be so.. later." With that I walked away. I finished off my boring day at the stupid high school with more compliments and more annoying preppy bitches. I got into my car and drove to hell.. I mean home.

I walked through the front door awaiting what will come to me and what I deserve. I lay my keys on the table by the door and stepping in further. Before I could process what was going on I was hit in the face by a very forceful fist. What I did this time to deserve it I had absolutely no idea.

Why I don't kill him already you may ask? Because. Because he is my grandpa, because if he didn't give birth to my mother I would have never been here today, because he's family and my number one rule is no hurting family what so ever.

He continued to beat me. Punching me in the face, hitting me every chance he got. He didn't even care where he was hitting. He got closer to my face an I felt his alcohol filled breath linger to me. He had been drinking and that's why he's doing it. He doesn't know any better right? He's just drunk..

I lay there emotionless not able to even make eye contact. He got of me and began to kick me violently. I got enough courage to try to crawl away but I was only kicked right back down. He got a good minute or two to take a hit off his cigarette. I took that as my chance to try and get away. I got up as fast as my beaten body would let me.

I ran to the hall trying to get into me room. My wrist was grabbed by him and I pulled as hard as I could trying to get away. I fell to the ground and tried getting back up and away from him. He sat on me straddling me. He stared into my now tearful eyes and grabbed my wrist.

Before I knew it he held his lit cigarette up to it, and held it on there for what seemed like forever. I cried out in pain pulling my wrist away from him but nothing would work. Finally the cigarette was put out and he looked me in the eyes again.

"You know what? You disrespectful child, your not worth it. Your a horrible stuck up bitch. I'm glad your mother isn't around to see how much of a disappointment you became. I'm glad she's dead so she doesn't have to live with your ugly, lying, pathetic ass. I'm done with you, get out of my face. Go to your room and don't come out."

With that he got up and walked back into the kitchen and began pouring himself another shot of whiskey. I didn't have the strength to stand so I crawled like that pathetic coward I am to my room and cried myself to sleep.

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