Arveliot, author of "The Dragon Chase"

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I recently interviewed the author of "The Dragon Chase" or @Arveliot (Gordon). He came to Wattpad to improve his writing and stayed because of the community. He's not afraid to fail and in fact believes that failing is the key to success ;) When he's not writing, he's working a full time job, being a parent, and catching up on sleep. Here is the full interview:

 Here is the full interview:

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1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I wanted to create stories since I was a kid. Reading tales like the Hobbit, the Wheel of Time, Memory Sorrow & Thorn, trying to create that kind of tale has been a small dream for as long as I can remember. As for being a writer, I didn't decide I was going to take a stab at it until February, this year. Until then, it's mostly been for my own amusement.

2. How did you discover Wattpad? 

Oh no. Honest answer...A CBC article. (CBC is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

3. What do you love most about writing? 

My favourite part about writing is when you finally get a line right. Especially an opening line for a chapter or a story, getting those words just right is a euphoric moment.  

(Of course, my least favourite part is the solid hour of my life I lost trying to get that one line down)

4. What do you do when you're not writing?

Working, being a parent, sleeping... 

Gheez, I'm boring.

 5. Above all, what do you think makes a good story?

A good story is anything you can immerse yourself into. Where you lose your awareness of your own life for a few minutes or a few hours. Any story that can take you there is a good story.

6. Where do you get the motivation to write a novel? When there is a lack of motivation, how do you deal with writer's block? 

Life is my motivation. The big mystery is why more people don't do it

7. How did you get the idea for Dragon's Chase? What was the process like from getting the idea to being featured on Wattpad?

The Dragon Chase was supposed to be a webcomic. I banged the idea together for a friend, who wanted something to let her keep drawing during her day job. The project never panned out, but I liked the story I stitched together, and fleshed it out.

8. Everyone has a writing process. Some wing it. Others plan out their novel to the layout of their main character's bedroom before they actually begin to write. What is your process? 

Process? I wish I was that organized. So I start out with a concept, and end up starting the story long before I should. I write myself into a corner, the details don't mesh properly, or the characters themselves refuse to work towards where I originally imagined the plot to go. Once I hit that point, I start sketching out details to the plot and world until things start to mesh again, and let the characters re-write the plot. In the end, I end up with a story that has nothing to do with what I was after when I started.  

It seems to work out.

9. Have you ever gotten criticism for your writing? How do you handle it? 

Criticism? I've gotten it. Even asked for it occasionally. I almost always say 'thank you'. I came to Wattpad to become a better writer. And the only way to become better, is to let yourself fail and keep trying. Like any skill, if you're not willing to learn how to get better, you won't. And isolating yourself from criticism is a sure-fire way to never get better.

10. What is one of your pet peeves when it comes to writing? 

Mostly people interrupting me when I hit a productive stretch. I hate having my imagination trains derailed. They make a terrible crashing sound in my head.

11. Many people are insecure when it comes to what they create, whether it be drawings, writings, experiences. They don't think they are creative and hide what they make. Everyone feels this insecurity at some point. What is your response to this? Have you ever felt this insecurity and how do you deal with it?

Literary insecurity? Yep, I get that. Still get that. I crack out the Hobbit, a Shakespeare Sonnet, or some poetry from World War 1, and I feel like I'm just a kid playing a game the big boys already mastered. My advice? If you want to be a better writer, put it out there anyway. Asides from trolls and whiny babies, no one's going to harass you over putting a story out in the world, and a lot of people are willing to spend their free time helping you get better. Take advantage of it.

 12. What's your favorite story you've ever read (it doesn't have to be on Wattpad). What about your favorite story that you wrote?

My favourite story that I've ever read? War of the Flowers, by Tad Williams. My favourite story that I've ever written is probably 'Long Way Home', a sci-fi short story I wrote for a competition.

13. I'm personally a sucker for any story that has dragons. I loved Eragon and Dragon Rider when I was a kid! It was my dream to have one :) Do you just write about dragons or do you also dream about them?

Dragons scare me. Particularly mine.

 14. Do you have any Wattpad story recommendations you'd like to share?

Mine, obviously. But let's see... 

If you're looking for classic fantasy fare, I'd point you towards The Catalyst, or Sky of Paper. For serious scifi stories, City of Slaves is one of my favourites. For sillier science fiction, try The Four Barristas of the Apocalypse or The Final Countdown.

15. What is the best piece of advice someone has ever given to you about anything (not just writing!)? 

Don't take my advice seriously, kid.'

This was given to me by a guy who, within a minute of saying that, managed to nick an artery on his finger while sharpening a knife. He's fine, and his timely advice still stands as the best advice I've ever received. 

16. Do you have any advice for amateur writers out there? If so, what is it? 

Especially here on Wattpad, try and keep trying. You can only get better.

17. What would you like to improve on Wattpad? 

I'd perhaps like to see the hot-list ranking system tweaked a bit. Perhaps randomly cycling through the top few hundred so that other authors are up front. Of course, the proviso 'be careful what you wish for' applies here

18. And the all-important question: Coffee or Tea? 

Ah, the most serious of serious questions. The correct answer is that the path to enlightenment is paved in progressively better teas.  

Enlightenment is coffee.

19. Finally, is there any question you'd like to ask yourself? What is that question and what is your answer?

Gheez. That's easy. Why didn't I start doing this sooner?(The answer is I'm a wuss, but I'm glad I started

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