Chapter-11 Kongpob & Arthit ❤️

Start from the beginning

I was leaving when S told me that he's glad that I'm his brother. I hugged him out of felicity. It's been so long to have a member of family beside. We discussed earlier, about meeting Dad, I don't know why he wants me so much to meet Dad but I think it's high time now. He's so lonely, he would say.
I assured him that I'll visit him in the winter vacation, after my mid term.
M invited me & Oak in his apartment for completing the project we three had been assigned with. At first we were really going to study until one by one all came. And yeah, Praepalline also. Our group study converted into a party at the end. I was totally not in the mood to drink. They all become so drunk that I had too complete the project myself. The submission day was only two days away & if it's not submitted within that then surely Professor Plawan was going to give us solemn detention.
Around 11pm my task was over. Oak and others were about to night stay tonight they even asked me to stay but I denied. I had to buy dinner for S.
S was out somewhere when I reached home. I placed the food over table & changed my clothes. Suddenly, I noticed that the light in P'Arthit's room was on. I felt his presence for a moment but then realized maybe someone just shifted there. He can't be here.
I was nibbling a portion of my food when S told me that a guy came to meet me.
"What's that guy's name?"
'Um...I asked him but he wouldn't tell me, he waited for you for a very long time since you left."
"How does he look?"
'Tall but shorter than you, he even has dimples like me, his hairs were brushed sideways. Kind of chubby but not really chubby.
The only person fitted to his description could only be Arthit in my notion. Earlier the switched on light in his apartment & now a person resembling him can only mean that he's here in Bangkok.
"I'm done, I told S."
'But you haven't finished half of your food P.'
"I have to meet that guy, it's really urgent. "
'Okay, P'.
My heart was constantly palpitating at the moment. I called him but he wouldn't pickup, so went right away to his place. Probably he was asleep when I knocked his door. He opened the door rubbing his eyes. He was wearing his usual comfort clothing which he usually wear before going to bed. I hugged him instantly without letting him to utter a word. He shoveled me angrily & closed the door on my face.
"Kongpob, I don't want to see your face. Leave now!" He was super angry with me or else he wouldn't ever do that.

I really meant that when I told him to leave. I don't know whether I was right or wrong but I just wanted him to leave. I had to attend my office the very next day, thinking about that & him I fell asleep on sofa. Bright called me to get up in the morning. He was super excited to go to office with me, I can sense that in his voice over phone. I wasn't in the mood to have breakfast so just took a shower & changed clothes. I switched of all the lights before I leave & as I twisted the knob & pulled in to leave Kongpob fell on the floor hurting his shoulder & head probably. I forgot all what just happened wrong I picked him up & placed him on the sofa. I put the ice bag on his pain & poured a glass of water for him to drink. "I really need to talk with you, its really important",he muttered. Even though I didn't want to listen but I agreed to listen whatever he wanted to.

My fear came true, he doubted so deeply that he's not even in the mood to talk with me but before it turns out worse than this I have to tell him about S. He locked the door on my face, I could have left but that would have mean another long day without solving the matter. I can't stand him getting mad at me like that for any longer. I sat down by his doorsteps all night long until my eyes got thirsty for sleep & it went off. In the morning when I woke up I felt a hard rock hitting my shoulder & back. In state of sleep I really couldn't shape what happened, later I realized that I fell myself on the hard floor when Arthit pulled the door in.
One thing was clear that he can never stop caring for me, even though he was angry but he was the one also who applied the ice on my pain. He care for me no matter what. So I should remove some of his worries. The best of all was when he finally agreed to listen what I had to tell.
The most excruciating thing is when a person gets the entire concept wrong. I'm suffering through it right now. Kongpob was always there for me whenever I needed, but the blame was right on me now, I know he don't want to mean that. It can't also be denied that I should have listened to him first. I never paid attention to the life he had beside us.
I was really hungry so was he, so before listening to his words I decided to go for breakfast. Starbucks was just a block away hence we both silently moved towards it.
After ordering the meal, while we both silently sat on the chair, that's when he spoke out,
'The boy you saw yesterday, is S'
"I know he told me."
'He's my younger brother, half-brother he corrected afterwards.
I became totally speechless. My eyes widened with shock.
He remained quite for a second, then told every thing that he never told me before. I was so much into him that I never actually wanted to know any of the other issues he has ever been through. That time I realized I was so damn wrong. It was a public place I couldn't just hug him like I wished to but I hold his hands with both of mine & sadly whispered,"I'm sorry." He smiled widely as usual kindly accepting my apology.
He calmly mumbled, "Its okay, you're not at fault. Anyone can doubt that easily with a handsome boyfriend like me". His jokes turned out to be like Bright's one. When did they started to share jokes? I thought sarcastically.

Before I left for office I whispered,"I love you Kongpob & I missed you all these months."

I replied him back, "I love you too," but this time not with a peck but with a kiss placed promptly on his lips. He blushed instantly with his eyes squinting in the daylight. He's just so cute I thought to myself.

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