I stare into his beautiful eyes and focus on every little thing about them.
The way the brown darkens a little around his pupil, and the way the light hits his eyes, showing off the different shades of brown inside them.
It was a wonderful sight.

I hadn't even realised he was closer till I felt his lips touch mine as the hand on my chin pulled me into the kiss.

Suddenly Ash turned into Calem, my eyes widening in horror as I pull away quickly.

I see Ash again as he looks at me worriedly.
"What's wrong Serena? D-did you not like it?" "N-no. It's nothing Ash, sorry." "Ok. I bandaged up your burn. It didn't hurt, did it?" "No, it didn't. Thankyou Ash."

He lifts me up and I grab onto his shoulders, causing the pain to come back into my arm again.
"A-Ash it still hurts." "It will do Serena, you just need to relax ok, don't use your arm a lot."
He pulls me into a bridal style carry as he kicks Calem out of the way, opening the door.
"Lets go home. Yeah?" "Ok."
I rest my head gently against him as I look up into the night sky.
"Ash." "Yes Sere?" "We never got to have our date." "Oh well, we'll have it another day, I promise." "Ok."


Ash gently places me on my bed and sits down next to me.
I look into his eyes as they burn into mine.

He looks so serious.

"Yes Ash?" "What did Calem do to you?"
I bite my lip as it all comes flooding back to me.
As I'm about to reply I feel Ash press my neck gently, a little pain going through my neck.
"He did this to you.. didn't he.."
I could hear Ash almost growling in anger as he ran his finger along my neck.

I move away quickly as a whimper escapes my lips.
"P-please stop touching them.."
I look up to see Ash's eyes soften as he hugs me gently.
"I'm sorry Sere. I'm so sorry." "I-it's ok Ash."
I shuffle into his lap as I look up at the cut under his eye.
I trace it lightly with my finger before I gently touch it with my lips, pulling back and looking into Ash's eyes afterwards.
"Thankyou Sere."
He smiles, pecking my cheek.

I rest my head in the crook of his neck as I feel his breath gently hitting my cheek.
"Can I sleep with you tonight Ash?"
I whisper.
"Are you sure Sere?" "I'm sure. I want to." "Alright then."

He picks me up and places me into his bed, grabbing my pyjama shorts and his shirt.
"You wanna wear this?"
I nod as he gives it to me, walking towards the bathroom.
"Meet me in bed cutie."
He grins, winking at me.

God I love that grin.
And I love him even more.

I get changed and snuggle into the sheets, my eyes closing almost immediately.

His bed is just so warm and comfy.

A yawn leaves my lips as I feel my body become engulfed in warmth as a breath hits my skin.
"You look really cute in my clothes you know."
I feel heat hit my cheeks.
"I-if you say so."
He chuckles as he squeezes me gently, a small gasp escaping my lips.

Ash sits up sharply, turning me around to him.
"What's wrong Serena?"
I place my hand on his chin and rub it gently.
"It's ok Ash, I'm just a little sore there."
I lift Ash's shirt to show the bruise on my stomach.
"It's ok, I'm alright." "But that bruise is huge Serena! "It's ok Ash, I'm ok. There's no need to worry." "Alright."
I gently smile at him as I peck his cheek.
"Lets go to sleep. Yeah?"
I say, earning a nod from Ash as we get back into our comfy position.
"Goodnight Serena." "Night Ash."
I close my eyes as my body falls into a peaceful slumber.

I just wanna ask my readers and followers this.

Please answer for me

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Please answer for me.
Thx :3

Have some cake for reading this 🎂 :3

Bye bye readers!

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